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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


There is some debate as to the qualities that make for the best political leaders. Most are eloquent, well presented, generally intelligent although not always and honest although not always. Rather than looking for features that are common to the well-respected leaders of the world’s countries we need to look for something that is common to those that we don’t hold up as the leading lights. The most obvious feature is an obsession with unusual hair as is apparent with Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and Kim Jong Un. The answer is simple – Vote for the bald guy – Me! I have never accepted a bribe although this has been made easier by never having been offered one either. I am always willing to give my opinion on any topic and am used to it being ignored despite its obvious wisdom. Don’t miss out on an opportunity for elect me whenever I stand next and remember vote early and vote often. [Editor’s Note: I’m not sure what to so with this… I will say that there’s definitely something to be said about appearances when it come to being electable.

Many claimed that Kennedy’s narrow victory over Nixon in the 1960 presidential election came down to him looking better, stronger and more confident than Nixon on TV.

And it might sound like a made-up story, but Abraham Lincoln really did grow a beard because an 11-yearold girl named Grade Bedell told him he “would look better if he wore whiskers.”

And I guess it worked. And we have had a few bald-ish presidents. John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren and Dwight Eisenhower were all folically challenged. While there has often been a stigma that “bald” somehow equals “weak”, I don’t think anyone would ever question Ike’s manliness]

*** I am liking all of the junior high sports coverage! [Editor’s Note: I’m glad someone has noticed. I can’t promise we’ll have it every week but if I’m out at the games, I’ll take pictures and report the scores that I can get. I will readily admit to not being excellent at writing a detailed game summary, but I do like to take sports pictures. I’m also perfectly willing to run submitted photos and sports recaps. For example, I’ve gotten a couple of recaps from the Marion tennis team’s recent outings, which is something outside of the traditional school sports scene, so I was happy to run them. Golf, tennis, track, etc.

I think it’s cool we have such a diverse bunch of athletes around here, but we don’t have the resources to cover them all] *** Well, the millage passed.

How about a raise for the teachers? [Edtor’s Note: I’m pretty sure the millage is earmarked for the massive building projects they have planned, but I would suspect that the teachers will get a much-deserved raise in the near future. You can’t really put a price tag on what teachers, coaches, counselors and administrators do for our children… but as the husband of a very dedicated educator, I assure you they would be happy to get more money]

Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:

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