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Watkins’ future with NAACP cloudy after arrest


Watkins’ future with NAACP cloudy after arrest

Branch plans meeting to discuss VP’s status in light of drug charges

The Crittenden County chapter of the NAACP starts off the month on defense scheduling a press conference for Friday morning in West Memphis in reaction to news reports about the arrest of its second vice president Kyle Watkins.

Watkins faces two charges including possession with intent to distribute after Shelby County Sheriff investigators made the arrest on Jan. 19 when Watkins was found to have two pounds of methamphetamine in the trunk of the white Cadillac he was driving. Watkins’ 28-year-old son Kesslin Richardson of Inglewood, California, was also arrested and is still in custody at the Shelby County Jail, held on a $1 million bond.

Chapter president Shabaka Afrika ran through the agenda for the presser.

Watkins’ arrest and status as an officer in the county NAACP chapter will be covered. Watkins was sworn in at the end of December, along with other officers in the local chapter and those in the Mississippi County branch by the state conference president. The Crittenden County chapter was being re-chartered after several years operating as an unsanctioned body.

“We will leave the matter to investigators; if its true, it tragic,” Afrika said during a phone interview Wednesday afternoon. “The status of Kyle is a very important question. We have not decided, but it will be addressed.”

The chapter is faced with three options: one, separate from Watkins temporarily or permanently; have Watkins bow out at least until the matter is final in court; or stand by Watkins, upholding the precept of innocent until proven guilty.

Afrika responded to speculation about who bailed Watkins out of jail amid rumors that the county chapter put up the bond money.

He also reacted to NAACP State Conference Legal Counsel James Welspom’s quote in Wednesday’s edition of the Times.

Blytheville resident and Mississippi County President, Welspom stood with local NAACP officers taking the oath at the West Memphis meeting in December. Afrika’s remarks suggest a rift between the him and Welspom.

“It’s a deliberate attempt to smear us and tie us into drug trafficking,” said Afrika of Welspom’s comments. “He should have waited to see, waited and learned. Chapter bailing him out? Nobody thinks that. That’s nuts.”

In a later statement, Welspom drew some points concerning the connection between Afrika and Watkins, raising some questions regarding the pair, who ran as part of “Team Unity,” a block of candidates with the county NAACP who ran an unsuccessful campaign to take over the Crittenden County Quorum Court. Welspom said follow the money.

“Shabaka is a close associate of Watkins for at least six years with the group,” said Welspom. “All that time, neither Watkins or his wife have held a job. He works as Shabaka’s body guard? Where does the money come from? They are close and Shabaka knows where the money comes from. It’s not coming from Afrika Books, he is not selling enough books to pay for staff or a body guard. So where is the money coming from? He knows.”

“I’m not exactly wellliked,” said Afrika about the Feb. 1 newspaper article. “I’m aware the police look at me now and then.

Don’t you think if the police had something on me it would be out by now? I hope Welspom doesn’t get his feelings hurt, because what goes around comes around, and karma is a bitch.”

Welspom took a wait-andsee attitude regarding the local NAACP pending the outcome of the news conference, but said the chapter has strained key local relationships beyond repair, and Afrika should resign as president.

“I’ll call for Shabaka to resign,” said Welspom.

“They’ve been together six years, he knows what’s been going on with Watkins. He has lost all credibility in the community.”

The local chapter is also expected to announce its hopes for the hearing set at the state supreme court regarding NAACP state conference interference in the chapter.

By John Rech

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