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Grant breathes new life into MHS Medical Professions program

Grant breathes new life into MHS  Medical Professions program


Grant breathes new life into MHS Medical Professions program

Blackford’s legacy continues in Med Pro Ed classes

Marion School District Medical Professional Education students at Marion High School will get to experience real life medical scenarios thanks to a generous grant awarded through Crowley's Ridge Educational Service Cooperative.

Jana Blackford, a healthcare professional and teacher who headed the Med Pro Ed program at Marion High School, applied for the grant before her untimely passing.

“We waited so long for this and I know Mrs.

Blackford would be very proud of us,” said Bree, a senior.

Students were introduced to two new interactive mannequins Thursday, Nov. 16.

“I'm just so excited for Marion High School because we're just one of two schools in Arkansas that have this simulator type of mannequin so I think it really elevates our program and sets us apart,” said Harriett Morrow, one of four Marion School District nurses who took part in the set up and professional training of the new equipment.

“It's just so innovative. It's state-of-the-art. We are never going to be able to see finger nails and lips turn blue when a person isn't oxygenating well, but on this mannequin, we can set that on the iPad and watch his lips and his nails turn blue, and they [students] get to see what that's like and get to figure out what's happening and how can we fix that,” said Cassie King, Registered Nurse at Marion Intermediate.

The life-like features of the mannequins provide a polar contrast to traditional textbook learning by tapping into the senses of students.

“They're like real people.

You can actually see them breathing and their heart rhythm and pulse. It's just really cool. I plan to go into the medical field and I'm so excited to get to use these mannequins because I can actually get some experience,” said student Jehad Esmail.

“The students are going to have so many opportunities that we didn't have when we were in nursing school.

I mean this mannequin can talk to you, you can feel the pulse, start IV's, you can give shots, and check blood pressure,” said Kelly Fogelman.

Visit to watch a video showing students in action with the new mennequins.

By Lynn Lampkin

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