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Shop Safe!

Shop  Safe!


Shop Safe!

Marion Police Department offers some tips for the holiday season The Marion Police Department wants to remind residents to be attentive of their surroundings while out shopping.

“With Christmas shopping off and running, criminals are also out just waiting for you to make a mistake,” warns Marion Police Detective Lieutenant Freddy Williams. “Criminals work off opportunity when those mistakes are made, so don’t let thieves be off and running with your items.”

Williams offered a Christmas list of holiday shopping tips:

• Lock all vehicle doors.

Do not leave packages, purses, etc. in plain view inside your vehicle. Use your trunk if possible to secure items.

• When shopping, if the child seatbelt on the shop- ping cart is available, use it to secure your purse if it has a strap. Criminals will take your purse if you are not paying attention while shopping.

• If you purchase items or receive items for Christmas such as TV’s, Xbox’s, or other expensive electronics, we suggest you don’t leave the boxes on the curb by your trash cans. Thieves see these boxes and look for an opportunity to break into your house and take these items.

• Obtain the serial numbers from gift items by taking pictures or writing them down and secure them somewhere for safe keeping. Boxes can be taken to the local re-cycle locations so they are not visible.

• There are many phone and mail scams which go on during this time of year and come in many forms, so don’t give out personal information.

“If you have any questions,” said Williams, “feel free to give us a call at the police department at (870) 739-2101. Stay Alert at all times and Stay Safe. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”

By Ralph Hardin

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