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Residents take the reins on Lakeshore neighborhood cleanup

Residents take the reins on Lakeshore neighborhood cleanup


Residents take the reins on Lakeshore neighborhood cleanup

It was another busy weekend in Lakeshore. For the second time in a month, Lakeshore Estate Mobile Home Park residents received invitations to help pick up the trash in the community. Two huge rolloff Dumpsters were dropped in the lakeside park near the entrance of the community and overflowed within a few hours as pickup trucks off loaded junk set out along the streets. A third Dumpster was dropped in the park this week to shuffle the overflow into the extra bin.

Neighborhood group representatives Cassy Bretherick and Marvin Tucker delivered another update to Quorum Court during its August meeting. The group formed over dissatisfaction with the state of the trailer park and alleged neglect and price gouging for services on the part of management. The state attorney general began investigating the allegations.

Bretherick reported to the Quorum Court about 50 tires piled up after the first clean-up which were set ablaze leaving a toxic pile of soot.

“No one knows for sure who did it, there are just neighborhood rumors,” said Bretherick. “It started about mid-night.”

The group raked up the soot during the recent clean-up but ashes and scorched earth remained.

“At this point it’s toxic,” said County Judge Woody Wheeless. “I’ve ordered a hazardous material cleanup.”

As for the second cleanup, even more tires wound up on the entrance park lawn.

What can be done with old tires? Tire buyers may pay recycling fees and the tire store handles them or county residents with old tires may dispose of them at the county shop at 2349 Hwy. 64 West, in Marion.

The trailer for the old tires is open the same hours as the road department yard, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The improvement group distributed a flier telling neighbors that from here on out they’d need to put their garbage out for collection and to make their own arrangements to get trash to the county landfill at 1299 Kuhn Road. The county does not provide curbside trash pick up with the claw truck like the surrounding cities of Marion and West Memphis. In an effort to maintain the cleaner appearance in the mobile home community the improvement group’s flier promised to report code violations for unpermitted construction and yards full of trash and branches.

Tree limbs in the neighborhood remained piled up high on the end of lakeside cove streets. The problem was not brought up during the update at the quorum

court. Marvin Tucker

lamented over the brush piles during the August 18 clean-up.

“The branches are piled so high if were to burn the pile it would catch trees on fire,” said Tucker. “I don’t know what we are going to do.”

By John Rech

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