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Should elected officials bridge political gaps?

Should elected officials bridge political gaps?


Should elected officials bridge political gaps?

‘A Political View’ By Sherry Holliman

Is the elected official bridging the political gap?

Not in the South, not in the rural cities and most definitely not in the government system.

Most of us are being tolerate and forging professional relationships with like-minded people who affirm their strong political or religious beliefs.

With this fake professional relationship are developed which will create tension, distrust, and an another distraction of not solving the real issue that should be getting the attention for a solution.

In the past, certain topics were off-limits such as: religion, and politics because these two issues would cause a commotion of personal drama. Now that we have 24 hour social media coverage these issues have heighted the tension among many Americans of different ages, education background, and political parties. More political and religion conversations are being had despite the arguments they may cause. This is the time to start collaborating and working towards shared goals, and agree to disagree to matters that effect the human’s quality of life. We should not be living in a place with any gaps in this day and age.

As elected leaders can see such disconnect about holding different views on a number of issues will affect our safety, education system, and the trust of the voters. Elected officials should be held responsible for bridging gaps not creating them. How can we task elected officials in the government system to make very important decisions on a daily basis, when they can’t communicate with one other without throwing tantrums, or slandering each other? These elected officials are influencing our nation, states, and cities creating a culture of distrust and finger pointing to waste tax payer’s money and make a name for themselves. The public has a right to expect some sort of resistant about issues but should also understand that different views should help with finding solutions to problems not create more.

We must remember that elected official are humans and are voted in offices, the world is not one race it is very diversified. The common goal of each American regardless of political or religious different views should be to recognize the differences amongst one another and start a positive conversation about helping the lives of people that need them to be powerful result driven leaders. Any gap of separations should not be ignored by political leaders. Ignoring the tension will create a bigger gap.

Bridging gaps can be a realistic goal by simply recognizing differences, acknowledging points of tension, and addressing issues and seeking solutions openly. Rather than trying to change other’s opinion or overlook differences, elected officials should communicate with their voters that they can work together despite having different opinions. Another way is learning how to discuss politics and other issues in productive and empathetic ways can help in all areas of our lives, also speaking with sensitivity and listening effectively will make political and other potentially heated discussions easier and beneficial for everyone.

Politics can’t be ignored.

The policies made by government affect every corner of our lives, but we can’t let it create a negative atmosphere either. Today’s leaders must be held responsible when expressing themselves freely to ensure a strong culture to help support the core standards of respect.

Sherry Holliman is a concerned citizen of Crittenden County and has some views on a variety of topics that she wants to share with her neighbors. She is a member of the Marion City Council.

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