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I’m all for freedom of speech and protest but can’t we just leave it out of sports? What kind of message does it send for NBA and Major League baseball teams to not play because of something completely unrelated to them? Especially in a time like this when people need sports to take their mind OFF of all the bad things happening in the world??? [ Editor’s Note: I honestly feel like you aren’t connecting the dots here.

Let me first say that I get what you’re saying. Sports are a form of escape for many, and a distraction, like you say, from the “ bad things” that are happening.

But I also get the idea that these players have a platform and an audience that will listen to what they are saying because they are looked up to and idolized by so many. It’s a risky proposition, refusing to play in protest. I am almost sure that had there been paying fans in the stands for those games, that would not have happened. But if the walkout by the NBA and MLB teams put more eyes on the issue of police- minority relations, then I can’t really fault them for it. It’s also worth mentioning that this is far from the first time that athletes have used their notariety raise issues of social justice. One of the most famous examples is the “ one black glove” raised fist protest at the 1968 Olympics by Tommie Smith and John Carlos, which ultimately cost them quite a bit]

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