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there’s much to your conspircy, though, because a

there’s much to your conspircy, though, because a


Are the polls tracking who people are voting for by what color pens they are taking when they vote? Not everyone is going to vote Republican or Democrat!

What was wrong with the stickers? [ Editor’s Note: So, for those not in the know, when you go vote, they are handing out little red and blue pens ( styluses actually) which I think is mostly so people will have something to post on social media to show everyone that they votes… anyway, I don’t think

friend of mine recently explained that she took a blue pen simply because it was “ my favorite color.”

But you might have a point, at least about not everyone voting Republican or Democrat… where’s a nice yellow pen for the Libertarians or a purple one for the Reform Party voters.

How a bout a green pen for the… umm, well Green Party. That’s a bit on the nose, isn’t it?]

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