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the internet, something Arkansas legislators,


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sure who runs the city of West Memphis’s social media, but they need a raise. Never before have we been so informed about our city and the great things happening here now. Thank you and keep up the good work. [Editor’s Note: I agree. The city does share a lot of important information online. Unless something has changed, Nick Coulter, former advertising manager right here at the Times, is in charge of the city’s social media. We have a pretty good working relationship with them and we share each others’ info to help make sure everyone is informed. The only real downside to an internet-heavy communication system is that about 40 percent of the population of West Memphis does not have immediate access to

including State Senator Keith Ingram, have been working on correcting over the past few years through grants and other programs aimed at “broadband for everyone”] Do you know if they are ever going to _x the part of the road at Highway 77 and the road going into Sunset? It is just full of monster pot holes. [Editor’s Note: I know the location you mean quite well, and to my knowledge there has never been a time in human history when that weird little access road has been in anything other than terrible shape. As a kid I used to use that road to get to school on my bike and it was bad then. Honestly, I’m not even sure whose responsibility that patch of road would be, as it’s not part of the state highway and I don’t think Sunset has a street department. Maybe it’s part of Marion’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, but it’s probably just up to the county to _x] I have been a Republican since I _rst voted for Ronald Reagan in 1984 but no more!!! What we have seen over the past two months makes me ashamed to be associated with Trump and his ship of fools. Enough is enough! [Editor’s Note: This is going to sound like I’m being snarky, but I’m not. I know a lot of very good people who happen to be Republicans, and many of them are also very concerned about the party’s future. You have to remember, there are a lot of people who cheered what was happening in the Capitol last Wednesday. But there are more, like you, who were appalled. If you’re concerned about being a Republican and being tied to Trump, don’t worry … he himself only identi_ed as a Republican to get elected and now that he’s about to be out of of_ce, it looks like most of the GOP is ready to cut ties with him again. Besides, last I checked, he was going to start his own political party or something if he doesn’t end up in jail, so … OK, that last part was a little snarky]

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