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New Jackson-Wonder Elementary a boon for the community

Brand-new school ushers in a new period of growth, opportunity for students


Brand-new school ushers in a new period of growth, opportunity for students


In September of 2020, the West Memphis School District formally cut the ribbon on the second of four planned new schools in the community with a special gathering dedicating the Jackson-Wonder Elementary School.

Like the new Bragg Elementary across town, the West Memphis School District’s newest facility will provide students in the surrounding neighborhoods with a top-notch center of learning for generations to come.

“A hope for a better future” is how State Senator Keith Ingram put it last Thursday night at the formal dedication of the brand new Jackson- Wonder Elementary School. The 100,000-square foot facility impressed the crowd, featuring many dignitaries, both local and statewide.

Students and teachers had already gotten an opportunity to get a look at the new school when classes for the 2020-2021 school year got underway a few weeks ago, but the dedication was put on hold as school officials figured out the best way to celebrate the new facility safely due to COVID-19 concerns.

Someone else who got a sneak peek as the new Jackson- Wonder campus was Mayor Marco McClendon, who had nothing but praise for the school last week.

“I had a wonderful experience at the New Jackson- Wonder Elementary,” said McCLendon. “A great tour given by Councilwoman Mrs. Lorraine Mohammed. I saw a lot of history displayed for our children to learn. Great job, WMSD. West Memphis we should be really proud.”

Indeed, that history is front-and-center, as the walls in the main hall and in the cafeteria are adorned with images and stories about the long history of the school and the people who led the efforts to educate the community’s children through segregation, the Civil Rights Era and right through to today, with an eye on tomorrow.

Consider the new Jackson-Wonder Elementary School officially open! The new facility houses students and teachers from the combined L.R. Jackson and Wonder elementary schools.

Photos courtesy of WMSD

The walls of the new school are adorned with history. The murals depict scenes and stories from the school’s long legacy of teaching and overcoming adversity.

West Memphis City Councilwoman Lorraine Mohammed points out the story of Ora Breckenridge, just one of the many history capsules along the walls of the new Jackson-Wonder Elementary School.

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