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A Quaint Notion


Perhaps G.K.

Chesterton said it best:

“ A man cannot very well get used to being burned for his opinions.

The first experiment is commonly fatal.”

And it used to be in this country, that one could hold one's own notions without the Sword of Damocles being hung over their head by the self-annointed white-bread lefty-liberal or an Oberführer Joe Biden, labeling anyone who disagrees with them on the Wuhan Virus as 'Neanderthals,' or someone who might mention the torrent of third-worlders flooding into our southern border states and overwhelming all essential social services, bringing drugs, guns, human trafficking, endangering minors-not to mention bringing a 20% infection rate of the virus with them and being shipping across our entire nation into every state, without any regard what-so-ever for the welfare of our citizens, yet telling US that we need to be vaccinated, masked up and basically put in bubble-wrap for the duration. Oh, and be issued travel-cards with proof of vaccination.

Harkening back to those dark Alfred Hitchcock movies that made him famous, back in the 30's, like The 29 Steps, The Lady Vanishes, or Foreign Correspondent.

When lines like these are delivered:

“ Your papers, please?”

As it was also in the movie, Casablanca, a Hollywood films made in cooperation with the US Office of War Information's Bureau of Motion Pictures.

Within the context of unrestrained police powers, “ your papers, please” is wielded like a weapon. It has long been a symbol of corrupt, unchecked unilateral power and evolved into an enduring cultural metaphor that concisely and viscerally conveys what we are not about here in America.

Not now though, cowboy. Now, if you disagree, you are branded:

“ Racist… racist… racist… and Nah- nah,

Continued on Page 5


By Robert L. Hall ROBERT HALL (cont.)

Which is exactly what you hear when dealing with infantile minds.

Which is why I tell people that leftists have never, ever disappointed me.

Because I never expected anything of them in the first place.

And true to form, here's yet another example of the same: The economy.

I won't bother telling you it's in the toilet. I'll simply give you three examples of what

Example #1-In a burger joint, the cashier handed me 25 cents in change back. Her supervisor said: You own him 35 cents.

Whereupon the cashier said (God is my witness!) “I told you I can't add.”

Example #2-At my home, I was talking to a representative from a retail store about installing something.

He said there would be a delay. Not because they didn't have product, but because they couldn't get any workers to install it.

He told me, “We are trying to get another team together, but not only can we not find anyone to work, there is a certain level of training involved. If we could be them going, we could get your unit in half the time (in months.) Example #3-Another store: A clerk could not give me the total cost difference between a 2-for-1 offer and a buy-1-and-get one for a dollar offer.

Yet, the Oberführer maintains that there is no problem with the job market, our economy and the workforce.

And, don't disagree with him, or it's…you know….

“ Racist… racist… racist… a nd Nah- nah, nah- nah- nahnah…”

The answer for everything the white-bread crowd lifts their noses at.

Make no mistake. Our country is in free-fall at the moment, finding no bottom in sight. Other countries are watching as our republic is disintegrating, much as another one-ancient Roman fell-first to totalitarian dictators, then to invaders pouring over their borders to finish them off.

So that, while some may have wished to see “The Rapture,” it seems more likely we are going to see “The Rupture” first.

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church and a writer of fiction on Amazon eBooks.

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