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Fright and Flight


As our borders are breached by millions of foreign invaders and our government is corrupted by the insatiable appetites of political and business elites vying for money and power, it is instructive to see how our population centers are shifting as citizens are fleeing the sections of our country which are most on fire, in a desperate search for sanctuary.

One writer recently dubbed the new movement, 'Fleeing Babylon.' Yet, if one actually reads about the real Babylon in the scriptures, you will know there was no fleeing it. It was brought down quite convincingly.

It is exceptionally clear that America is becoming Babylon, and the reckoning is plain to see in the just-released 2020 Census data, which had been delayed by the pandemic situation (whether real or imagined.) Those results are above debate… except to a delusional minority who are more than willing to shed their individual responsibil-

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By Robert L. Hall ROBERT HALL (cont.)

ities or liberties without a thought in order for authoritarian Marxists (who are attempting to ascend to god-head-much like the proud of ancient Babylonby sinning the very sin that brought them down to the dust.) However, fright is causing flight in genuinely sentient beings.

For American's are-for the most part-scared to death.

As depicted by Chris Dorsey, writing for in a March 17, 2021 article for that site, entitled, “ America's Mass Migration Intensifies As ' Leftugees' Flee Blue States And Counties For Red:” “ America is on the move like never before. Some would say at a tectonic level and for many the driver is as much political as it is economic. The top five states seeing a mass exodus are all Democratcontrolled… Conversely, a recent study by U- Haul reported that the top five states to see the greatest influx of new residents include the Republican- led states of Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio and Arizona.

“ With a focus on creating the best possible environments for businesses, workers and families to succeed, states led by Republican governors are seeing more and more people become residents,” said Republican Governors Association Deputy Communications Director Mike Demkiw.

“ People are desperate to escape the heavy handed, regulation ridden big government approach pushed by liberal governors.

“… The growing American divide, however, isn't just between states- it's also county to county. When urban centers across the country were besieged by rampant crime- including riots and civil unrest last year- many residents took that as their cue to flee as the Covid- driven workfrom- home phenomenon became the new normal.

For many urbanites, looking for a permanent way out meant migrating to the suburbs and even to rural communities.

“… With these accelerating migration patterns, don't look for political divides to be bridged any time soon.

And any talk of ' coming together' seems as much a fantasy as lower taxes in New York or California.”

“ The Deep State,” best encapsulated the present political mood of the people as exemplified by the 2020 Census, when he expressed the following:

“ I am sick of the inflation, I am sick of the open border, I am sick of AOC's rants about fuel, I am sick of $ 5 gas, I am sick of lumber at $ 70 a sheet of ply-wood… I am sick of Covid, “ yes” on Monday, “ no” on Tuesday… vaccinations are great… sometimes great… maybe sometimes great… of very wealthy people of all races trying to find victim status… and it's start-ing to manifest itself.”

So, the 2020 Census is finally out. Here come the reapportionments as a result, depicted in the article: “ Census reports increasingly diverse population as country begins redistricting,” by Stephen Dinan , Thursday, August 12, 2021, for The Washington Times.

Here are some of the findings:

“ Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021… The Census Bureau has issued its most detailed portrait yet of how the U. S.

has changed over the past decade.”

“… Today is the day Republicans start trying to take back the House,” said former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who served in the Clinton and Obama administrations and now runs the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

“… The bureau earlier this year reported the total populations by state and what that meant for the apportionment of seats in the House. Those changes were smaller than anticipated.

California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia each lost a seat. Oregon, North Carolina, Montana, Florida and Colorado each gained a seat, and Texas netted two.

“ The data released Thursday goes deeper into the numbers. It gives state officials the information they need to redraw their political maps, and Democrats are afraid of what might result.

“ Acting Census Bureau Director Ron Jarmin said the numbers will survive scrutiny. ' We are confident in the quality of today's results,' he said.”

Sure seems people are voting with their feet right now, according to the Census data by fleeing from socialist hell-holes and bastions of unfettered urban criminal activity sponsored by BLM, Antifa, the Left, and their complicit toadies in the media.

Remains to be seen if reapportionment will be enough to drag us all back from the cliff's edge of national annihilation when the vote comes up in 2022.

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church and a writer of fiction on Amazon eBooks.

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