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Do Not Fall Back


In the U.S. and many other countries oppression has become institutionalized, meaning it is built into how your social institutions operate. Oppression is so normalized that it does not require conscious discrimination to achieve its purpose. This does not mean that conscious do not occur, but rather that a system of oppression can operate without it once the oppression itself has become camouflaged within the various aspects of society.

When most people hear the words “fall back” they often think of the time change “fall back” during this season it is expected for some people to reset their time devices in the fall by one hour. It may start far back with the question when do we fall back? Is it time to fall back or fall behind?

No matter how you ask the question time is always here to help bring you the answers.

Have you ever thought to look at fall back in another aspect? From the view of years of past and current injustices and systematic barriers. It is time to fall back with these good ole boy and girl systems that have prevented anyone from being treated unfairly. All people should want to expose oppressions and want to prevent them from continuing. While some people are conscious of how oppression operates in society, many are not. The goal of not falling back is to end the subtle ways some people knowingly or unknowingly manifest their prejudices.

American's lifestyles are very different than they were a century ago. Just as each season changes time, changes should be expected because of time. The supply and demand of individuals, families, and children changes each year. In other words, as the negating need for Americans to change their clocks back or ahead so should the changes for American’s lifestyle needs for

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‘A Political View’ By Sherry Holliman SHERRY HOLLIMAN (cont.)

each generation. Not falling back is critical to helping the nation grow. By not falling back the Americans can begin to acknowledge their prejudice slowly and silently through socialization.

Nobody is born prejudiced.

It is socialization which makes us part of the systematic

groups of people.

Prejudice is learned and can be unlearned. Setting your mind to not fall back is an individual and collaborative effort liberating your mind will help to change the minds of others that do not want to be open minded and fair. When groups or individuals begin to fight oppression in the everyday lives of other people, value and trust is added to their collective strength of removing the hatred that creates struggles and hopelessness.

No matter how thick or thin your skin is one day you will fall. The reality of life is your skin will determine how people treat you.

But you are responsible for how you react to them. If you are discriminated against for whatever reason that should be your motivation to advocate for others that look like you. Do not fall back into that mindset of wanting to continue to be verbally combative, or walking away without reporting the incident. Also ask questions about why they are behaving that way or can justify their decision.

The time change does not only happen in the Fall but every day for everyone. It should always be the responsibility of the elected officials and community leaders to provide resources, policies, and laws that you need.

Oppressors take fall back time change to mean: beware of advocates, and lawmakers motivated to spring forward with making movements for the oppressed. Do not fall back into allowing the future generations to experience the current brunt of oppressions

rights, less access to resources, less political power, lower economic potential, and lower overall quality of life chances.

America needs trailblazers to tell oppressors to fall back with thinking, believing, and mistreating people. Do not fall back this will for sure cause Americans to fall behind. There is always time for change!

Sherry Holliman is a concerned citizen of Crittenden County and has some views on a variety of topics that she wants to share with her neighbors. She serves on the Marion City Council.

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