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I will readily admit that I don’t get out much if I don’t have to. I’m not anti-social, but I can say that back last year when we were all being told to “shelter in place” so we could “flatten the curve” (what a joke that turned out to be) I didn’t really mind at all.

I guess my chit-chat skills have eroded to the point that I had a little trouble recently on a trip to Walmart. I have lived here my entire life so when I go somewhere, anywhere really, local, I’m going to run into people I know.

Normally, this is fine. I can exchange pleasantries with the best of them, so I definitely don’t shy away from casual conversation. Only, I guess I’m completely out of practice. I saw a lady I used to work with, a woman I have played volleyball with for years, a woman who used to be pretty good friends with, a guy from church and a former student of mine, all in the span of about 30 minutes… and I just kept going blank.

These are all people I have had lengthy conversations with, people I have plenty of shared experiences with, and people who know other people in my other circles. It should have been no problem whatsoever to engate in a little banter and then nod farewell until we meet again.

But it was a struggle just to match names with faces and fire up the old memory-meter to say words that made sense. Maybe I was just having an off day. Maybe I need to get out of the house more.

It’s about to be the heart of the holiday season and I’m going to be out more and running into more people.

I hope I can remember their names…

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