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stress is to record my feelings and to write about my confusion, frustration, and anger. With everything that's happening, it's easy to feel anxious or confused. However, there is always something to be grateful for. I end my morning 'pages' with gratitude. I write three uplifting things that happened that morning or the day before. This helps change my perspective and reminds me where I need to put my energy.

• Talk with a Friend – Just talking to someone about how you feel can be helpful. Talking distracts me from my stressful thoughts and releases built-up tension by discussing it.

Having constant tension clouds my judgement and can prevent me from seeing things clearly. Talk things out with a friend, or a trained professional.

Practice these steps and you will find solutions to cope with stress and put your problems into perspective.

Carol Marak is an aging advocate and editor at Seniorcare. com. She's earned a Certificate in the Fundamentals of Gerontology from UC Davis, School of Gerontology. Aging Matters is a weekly column tackling everyday challenges that our growing elderly population and their loved ones face. It is also published in a variety of syndication partners including newspapers all over the country.

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