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Freedom Fest tonight


Annual fireworks, festivities return to Tilden Rodgers Park Celebrate Independence Day in West Memphis tonight!

Yes, it’s once again time to let freedom ring in the community. The city parks and recreations department is planning fun for the entire family, including one of the largest fireworks displays in the Mid-South at the city’s largest public park.

Come out to Tilden Rogers Park to join in on the fun.

West Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau Executive Director Jim Jackson invited the community to the annual celebrating the Fourth of July a little early, held each year on the last Friday in June.

“We are excited to bring our fireworks back this

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year,” said Jackson. “It’s great to be able to gather again and enjoy the fireworks and celebrations.

This is a fantastic event to enjoy live music outdoors and time with families and friends.”

The event plans include food trucks, firetrucks, live music, and lots more beginning at 5 p.m., this evening at Tilden Rogers Park, 825 North College Blvd, West Memphis.

There is no admission charge, parking is free, and fireworks are scheduled to begin shortly after sunset, approximately 8:45 p.m.

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