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In today’s online paper in ….


In today’s online paper in your “Viewpoint” column, you made note of Tracy Brick running for mayor and referenced a story from page 1 that does not appear to be on page 1. When can we expect to see a list of candidates in the paper? I would think maybe Wednesday since more people see the Wednesday paper than the online paper.

[ Editor’s Note: You are 100% correct. I did have the story about the municipal candidates on the front page of the Friday online edition of the Times, but then the story about the sex offender roundup came out via a press release and I decided that it was more of a “ breaking news” kind of story than the political candidate story since the election isn’t for another three months and the task force that rounded up all those non- compliant offenders could very well be making more arrests in the coming days so I decided to bump the candidate story. I thought about running it today, but I, like you, realized that it might be a more informative story to run in the print edition, in case anyone wanted to hang it on the refrigerator or whatver, so look for it in the Wednesday paper, both in print and online. If you’re just itching to know, the biggest local race will be for Mayor of West Memphis, where Marco McClendon will be challenged by James Pulliaum and Wayne Croom in his bid for a second term]

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