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Maybe you wrote about it and I just missed it, but what are they building on Block St. in Marion just north of Sonic?


[It is my understanding that there will be two new businesses built on that footprint. One is, I believe supposed to be a KFC. I haven’t heard about the second one. I, for one, will be glad to be able to get my 11 herbs and spices without driving all the way to the other side of West Memphis, so that’s a win for me!] A response to Robert L. Hall: Let’s start with “Trump questioning the election” and “Shouldn’t we question our elections”. Absolutely! Trump took his case to 62 judges (mostly Republicans) and had recounts in 6 states. No evidence of fraud was found in any of the 62 court cases or the recounts. So that question has been answered. At this point hundreds upon hundreds of times, ad nauseam, yet Trump and rightwing media continued to spread (now proven) lies which culminated in an attack on our nations capitol. Yes, the Constitution protects your freedom of speech until that speech causes HARM to others. Which is exactly why Trump is and deserves consequences for his illegal actions. You use the example of Al Gore nearly 20 years ago. Want to know the difference? Once the single recount was done in one state and afterwards he let it go and accepted the ruling of the courts. He did not continue to spread proven lies for over three years. As for the White House scandals, should we count the hundred or so that happened during the Trump admin? From rerouting the path of a hurricane with a sharpie sending people _eeing from their homes to paying a porn star for sex and using campaign funds to then silence her, were you clutching your pearls then with your fake outrage too? As for Jill Biden and her “tasteless and tacky” Christmas video, should we talk about Melania and her “f— Christmas rant”? Or with the Boston Mayor and the sex scandal how about we discuss Matt Gaetz, “Gym” Jordan, Lauren “Handy” Boebert or the dozens of other scandals this year by GOP members? No? I thought not. The only thing “Loony” about your article is your lack of self-awareness and spelling of the word “Looney”. “Thou hypocrite, rst cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye” – Matthew 7:5 [Editor’s Note: Let me _rst say that, according to the dictionary app on my phone that either “loony” or “looney” is considered acceptable. Anyway, Mr. Hall certainly appreciates the feedback I’m sure. I’m also always glad to see any of our content trigger a response from the public, so I’m happy you took the time to type this up. Let me say I think it is quite ludicrous to keep the whole “2020 Election was stolen” nonsense going at this point. My favorite thing about that whole joke of a conspiracy is that the Republicans give the Democrats zero credit for being able to get anything done but yet they were able to coordinate a nationwide scheme to rig the presidential election so well that it has stood up to years of scrutiny with zero evidence found. Having said that, it’s pretty clear at this point that both parties are just plain dirty. We’re about to get a list of Jeffery Epstein’s VIP guest list and that will give us at least a hint of just how scandalous the rich and powerful folks are and you know what will happen to the people on that list? Nothing… because money is the only thing that matters these days, which is why old white men like Biden and Trump can stay in power long past their expiration dates]

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