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This is a teaching moment…for all of us.

First, what is this ‘exigence’ thing?

It is a state of affairs that calls for urgent action to redress or fix. Like that.

And if you want an example of what ‘exigence’ is; in recent days, take the continuing resolution of Congress to temporarily fund the government, completely disregarding the American people, who are saddled with a crushing national debt, housing and vehicles out of reach for the typical middle-class citizen, food, gas and other necessities so costly that one has to take out a loan or put goods on their credit cards to obtain.

And also, not tying it to shutting down the border!

Leading some to say that now the ‘American Dream’ is only in the minds of those who are asleep. And—as if things were not bad enough—and in addition to everything else, the destruction of our way of life with the wide-open border and millions washing over the border.

All of which led Tucker Carlson to comment on the situation at Gateway Pundit in an article by Margaret Flavin Jan. 19, 2024, with the following: “The country you grew up in no longer exists.

Soon it will be unrecognizable. No one is fighting back, few are even acknowledging it.

And the people who lead us are letting it happen. Why are our leaders letting this happen?

Well, to destroy the country and to change the demographics. Who lives here determines what the country’s like. This country is changing faster than you may understand. Americans are being replaced. That’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a fact.”

I was fully expecting this moment of exigence… and therefore contacted my Representative, Rick Crawford, and Senator Cotton.

I didn’t send John Boozman anything—why

See HALL, page A6

Robert L.

Hall The Wordaholic

From page A4


I only write to people who can read, as Will Rogers once observed.

Anyhow, sent them e-mails, imploring them to hold the line and not vote for a C.R. that would push national debt, out-of-control costs, increase the present energy disaster, inflation, and the illegal alien invasion.

Their answer? All voted for it, AGAINST the interests of the American public.

Here’s what Rick Crawford posted on his official site: “I am frustrated that once again we have failed to pass conservative, costcutting appropriations bills before the deadline,” Rep. Crawford said.

“Speaker Johnson is fighting hard for spending reductions but his hands are full. The final deal must have concurrence among the House, Senate and White House, the latter two of which are controlled by the other party. Shutting down the government in this instance costs the taxpayers even more money – and that is interest-bearing debt we cannot afford.”

Here are a few points about his post that got to me: #1-You are ‘frustrated’ that you failed to pass a ‘conservative’ bill? Then, why the hell didn’t you vote against it?

#2-“Speaker Johnson is fighting hard for spending reductions” Is he? How to you know? Are you Speaker Johnson? And who—exactly—is he ‘fighting?’

#3-His (Johnson’s) hands “are full.”

Full of what? Actually, I know what they are full of, but this is a family newspaper. But, I know his hands sure aren’t full of help for the average citizen, who is out there just trying to make ends meet in this disastrous economy, endangered by high crime and politicians spending our tax money like drunken sailors.

#4-Then Crawford writes about the Senate and White House being controlled by the “other party.” How in the world does that have ANYTHING TO DO with the House…where Republicans are in the majority? Because it was over half of the Republicans—voting with the Democrats that pushed this horror-show through.

Excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses…that’s all we get from this guy.

Puts me in mind of Mark Twain’s comment, “Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”

So much for Rick Crawford.

Far as I’m concerned, the guy is a complete write off!

Now, to Tom Cotton, who I sent the same request…to NOT support the measure. But he DID! The Senate had voted overwhelmingly to pass the bill by a vote of 77-18.

I wondered, “Why the lop-sided vote by BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE?”

Then, when I read the following, I found out why: From the Northeast Arkansas Democrat Gazette: (Also extensively cited by many other sources as well.)

“Both of Arkansas’ Republican senators, Tom Cotton and John Boozman, voted in favor of the bill.

“To overcome procedural objections to moving ahead quickly in the Senate, Schumer allowed Republicans votes on three proposed changes that would have effectively derailed the measure. But all fell short, clearing the way for approval and a quick House vote. With a snowstorm forecast for Washington today, the action was accelerated as lawmakers feared airline cancellations that could leave them stranded in Washington over the weekend.”

Did you catch it?

The politicians wanted to clear the way for approval and a quick House vote, with a snowstorm forecast for Washington, and the “action was accelerated as lawmakers feared airline cancellations…” They did not want to be left “stranded in Washington over the weekend.”


I am struck by the old Saturday Night Live skit, where the ‘Church Lady’ spouts: “Isn’t that Spe-cial!”

These slugs rushed through a vote for their own…personal…convenience.

Forget you and your concerns! It’s all about them, don’t you know?

When I heard this, I sent a short message to Tom Cotton, citing his vote in favor of the measure. It went like this… “Senator Cotton, “Do you recall this statement?

“What is to be done, then? Our experiment with retreat must end.”

“Senator, those lines are from your first address on the Senate floor.

“What happened to you, Sir?”

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church and a writer of fiction on Amazon eBooks.

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