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[ Editor’s Note: Hey, it’s the “ cultivated meat” guy, back for another attempt at explaining the


I was happy to read supportive comments made by Iceland’s prime minister about cultivated meat. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, cultivated meat is grown from livestock cells, without slaughter. It has the potential to dramatically reduce our greenhouse-gas emissions, pandemic risk and the suffering we inflict on animals. “Cultivated meat is one of the solutions to the climate challenge,” Katrín Jakobsdóttir said. “The Icelandic authorities are determined to pave the way for the adoption of new solutions in Iceland and we are eager to see the development of [a European Union] regulatory framework for cultivated meat.” Instead of attempting to ban this new protein, as some American politicians have, our leaders should help advance the technology behind it. For instance, cultivated meat is currently too expensive to mass produce. This can rectified with increased public funding for cultivated- meat research, which legislators should support.

joys and benefits of growing your next cheeseburger in a lab. I’m poking a little fun, I suppose, and while I can agree with your ideas at least in spirit, I’m still just about 100% convinced that cultivated meats simply won’t ever really catch on — at least not to the point that it makes a significant impact on the overall meat industry.

The traditional way of raising, slaughtering and processing animals into meat is just too ingrained into the fabric of our existence. Plus, not gonna lie, if I’m being honest the whole idea is a little, I don’t know… icky]

*** I know you said the other day that you were “jealous” of Robert Hall getting “fans” to write in about his column.

So I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your columns in the “Viewpoint” and maybe you don’t get as much feedback because you don’t really rile people up? [ Editor’s Note: Well, I appreciate that. I realize my columns are maybe a little less feedback inspiring. And I certainly don’t want to get anyone “ riled up” but I do appreciate the feedback]

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