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So the flags continue to fly at half staff at the Crittenden County Courthouse going on over 2 years now. Why?


After reading Clayton Adams’s article in the 3-13 Times, I think I’ll vote for Clayton for president. He sounds a lot batter than what we have running now lol. [Editor’s Note: An upturned mop with a bucket for a head is better than what we have running now, but your point is valid. Reading Mr. Adams’s column each week is one of my favorite parts of getting the paper laid out. I always appreciate what he has to say and he does a great job of getting his point across. I especially appreciate it when he sends in one of his “bonus” columns like he does from time to time, specific to things like Veterans Day, Black History Month or whatever is going on. I don’t know if he’s ever considered getting into politics, but he’d certainly get my vote] If we’re banning TikTok, can we go ahead and get rid of Twitter too? I’m sorry … I mean “X” too? Or all of those apps. They do nothing to make the world a better place. [Editor’s Note: I don’t know if TikTok really is just a tool used by the Chinese to spy on us or not (I mean, what are they learning from me and my funny cat videos and crazy baseball play compilations?), but I do know that if they do ban it, my wife will have to find another way to entertain herself when she can’t sleep at night. And honestly, why can’t someone just make an American- made version of TikTok and we can all use that? I mean, it’s just like any other video streaming/sharing service, right? We’ll call it DingDong and we’ll make billions. Billions, I tell ya!]

[Editor’s Note: Did you know there’s a web site called flagandbanner. com that will tell you when the U.S. flag and any state flag should be at half-staff? Well, there is, so I checked and both the national and state flags should be at full staff today, so I don’t know why they ones at the courthouse would be lowered for any reason. Have they really been at half-staff every day for the past two years? I don’t get over to the courthouse that often these days, but I’m not sure I would even have noticed the flags if I did. They just become part of the scenery tucked away over in the corner where they are. I mean, I know we’ve gone through some bad stuff in the 2020s but I don’t think it has been “half-staff every day” levels of bad]

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