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it doesn’t seem


I keep hearing about how inflation is supposedly going down but the price of everything is still high and getting higher. At some point people are just not going to be able to live becaust they can not afford to both buy food and pay their bills. You can’t tell me that they aren’t just seeing how much people can spend on the most simple things like bread and milk and even chicken, a supposed cheap food has gotten. [ Editor’s Note: I saw a tweet the other day that said, “ Y’all been to the grocery store lately?

Everything a hundred dollars.” And while that is an exaggeration,

like it. In our household, we have a list of “ cheap” meals that we often put on the menu for dinner, like spaghetti, chili, burgers and fries, tacos, and such. Not that long ago, those were all $ 20- or- less meals. Nowadays, you can’t buy what you need from the store to feed a family of four those “ cheap” meals for under $ 30. And forget about going out to eat for a reasonable amount. My wife and I went to Wendy’s with my daugher and her boyfriend last week. This is fast food we’re talking about here… four people: $ 53. Ridiculous]

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