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See TEXT, page A6


Section 3 of the 14th Amendment has clear language. “No person shall … hold any office, civil or military, under the United States … who, having previously taken an oath … as an officer of the United States … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion. Lawsuits challenging Trump’s candidacy have been filed in more than 25 states ahead of the 2024 election. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled insurrectionist Donald Trump failed his oath of office and tried to overturn the 2020 election so he could stay in power.

The conservative Supreme Court will take up the case. In recent days the former president said on Hannity and at rallies that he would like to be dictator. He said he’d tear up and rewrite the Constitution. He also said he would like to hold office for life, which in simple terms means a dictator. Adding to this premise, he called his political opposition “vermin.”

What do people usually do with vermin? He also said immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country. Most people today came from immigrants, it doesn’t matter if it was last year or 50 years ago. This language mirrors what Adolph Hitler said.

Trump also again praised dictators at his rallies. Another Trump claim before the Supreme Court is that he has absolute immunity, which again is something only a dictator would have. Can you imagine if President Joe Biden or President Obama claimed absolute immunity and canceled elections? Or committed any crime and never be prosecuted for it?

Republicans need to think long and hard if they want this man in office.

Forget about Congress or your state legislature saving you. They all bow to Trump. Do you think Republicans are doing a good job in Congress?

They have a 13% approval rating.

They’re not engaged in governing or working (17) laws passed since 2020.

Lowest in history. No, they want to own the libs and dirty up Joe Biden so Trump could possibly slip in the back door. One writer said white nationalism is OK; it’s not OK, it’s a form of fascism and seeks that white people should rule and hold authority. We al-

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ready see this in book banning, women’s rights and woke policies.

MAGA is not Republican, it’s a cult.

[ Editor’s Note: Well, there’s a lot to unpack here… If you read my opinion pieces, you already know that you’re preaching to the choir when it comes to Trump. Having said that, it looks like there is simply no chance that Congress, the Supreme Court or anything short of an act of God is going to keep Trump off of the ballot in November, regardless of what anyone thinks does or does not count as a disqualifting act. And, well, that’s the way it works, I guess. The two- party power duopoly ( yes, that’s the real word for it… Google it) that we have in place in this country has worked together on exactly one thing over the past two decades — ensuring that at least one of them is in power at all times. And you’ve got to hand it to them… with Democrats in control of the White House and the Senate, and Republicans in charge of the House and Supreme Court, they can share all the power, keep popinting the finger at each other, and just keep on keeping on and nothing gets done. Meanwhile, the average American looks at his or her options and tries to decide the lesser of two evils. Well, that really turned into more of a rant than I intended to, but all of the things you describe in your message, the one that sticks out to me is the “ cult” label. I won’t say that you’re wrong, but I will say rather than a cult, it reminds me of the Red Scare in the 1950s, when anyone who was bold enough to stand up to another of history’s loudmouthed bullys, Sen. Joseph McCarthy, was labeled as Un- American, and a lot of people’s lves were ruined before America finally realized what a charlitan he was. Sound familiar?]

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