Read Across America Week
Annual initiative strives to instill a love of learning, literacy
Earlier this month, the kids at Steudlein Learning Center in West Memphis took part in the nationwide Read Across America literacy initiative. Festivities included special dress-up days, guest readers and parties to celebrate reading and the joy of learning, held each year in conjunction with the birthday of beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss.
In addition to being an author, Dr. Seuss was also an illustrator and cartoonist. After publishing his first children’s book, he took a break to illustrate political cartoons and joined the animation and film department in the United States Army. In this role, he wrote, produced and animated several projects and gained recognition for them. Following this, he returned to writing children’s books and how! He went on to write 60 books, a majority of which were critically acclaimed. His work is not only enjoyed by children to this date; it is also a part of many different adaptations in other mediums.
The National Education Association launched Read Across America in 1998 as a year-round program to celebrate reading. Given Dr. Seuss’ impact on the reading world, his birthday (March 2) was declared Read Across America Day. This also commences Read Across America Week and Read Across America Month.
Wacky dress-up days and plenty of Seussical nonsense to celebrate Read Across America Week at Steudlein Learning Center.
Photos courtesy of SLC