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Eugene Woods Civic Center renovations slated to begin

City considers name change to popular event center


City considers name change to popular event center


The West Memphis Advertising and Promotion Commission met last week after a short hiatus in February. Of the several items on the agenda there were three funding requests and an update on the renovation of Eugene Woods Civic Center.

“I’m just excited to bring the building into the 21st century”, said Director of Tourism Jim Jackson, “It’s an old building that has that 1970s municipal architecture that was common at the time. It will look more in line with the new library, very sleek with a lot of glass. I think the new design will be very attractive to our guests and much more welcoming.”

The civic center was built nearly 50 years ago and which former Mayor Joyce Ferguson recently listed as one of her proudest accomplishments, among many others, was named for landowner and farmer Eugene Woods who is said to have sold the land to the city for a nominal price. The area south of Broadway and west of Woods St was once See CIVIC CENTER, page A3

A rendering of what the civic center might look like when completed.

known as the Eugene Woods Subdivision although the name is more technical than

Image courtesy of the City of West Memphis CIVIC CENTER

From page A1

practical as it was only called this on maps at the time and not a residential area.

However, along with the newly designed civic center may come a new name as Jackson, Mayor McClendon and others have recently floated the idea of officially changing the name. While nothing is official at the moment, the most common name mentioned is that of Joyce Ferguson.

“As far as renaming the civic center,” said Jackson, “I think it’s an appropriate time. It probably will happen.”

Construction on the center is slated to begin in four to five months at an estimated cost of two million dollars, however the city and Jackson are still working to bring that price down.

During the meeting the commission went on to fund two requests from the Memphis Street Rods Delta Cruise-In and the Memorial Day Backyard Blues and Soul Fest who were given $7,500 and $3,750 respectively. A third funding request from Mississippi River Monster Catfish Tournament was tabled until the next meeting in April.

During the funding requests a representative from the Evening Times, Jane Russell, suggested to the commission that there be a stipend when organizations from out of town request funding that a certain amount be spent within West Memphis itself and more specifically, the local paper. Most members of the commission appeared favorable toward the idea and agreed to discuss the possibility further, but with two members questioning the reach and inherent value of the local paper to the West Memphis community.

Jackson then went on to express his excitement for the upcoming annual Blues Off Broadway event which will be held every Thursday in May from 6 to 9pm and features an impressive line up of bands as well food at the event.

“This year was even bigger than the last time we did this” said Jackson in 2023, “Some nights there were nearly 300 people here and we expect next year [2024] to be even bigger.”

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