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The Gettysburg Address.

Put yourself in this situation. After only three months of schooling your teacher informs your parents that you don’t have the intellectual capacity to pursue an education. So you are taken out of school.

But you have an insatiable curiosity and want to make a living discovering and inventing. Would your dreams be condemned?

Might you be laughed at?

Probably. However, Thomas Edison did reasonably well with only three months of schooling and an 'inferior' mind.

Ponder the plight of this poor fellow. He had a radical new concept for transmitting information. His ideas were so preposterous that his friends and family tried to have him locked up in a psychiatric institution.

Undeterred, in the 1890’s, Guglielmo Marconi proceeded to successfully develop the radio.

Are you routinely chided or ridiculed for your dreams, desires plans or goals? If so, take a look at the people offering their negative opinions. Are they experts in the areas that you are striving for? Have they already accomplished what you are trying to do? Are they presenting their 'advice' because they want you to succeed? If the answers are no, why would you ever allow their criticisms to deter you?

How do you fly against criticism? Believe in yourself and your goals. You don’t need approval. You aren’t obligated to convince anyone that your ideas are worthwhile. Often it’s prudent to keep your aspirations mostly to yourself. Seek out others who are also working towards their dreams and form a motivational group to help each other. When you succeed, some people will tell you they knew you could do it. Others will insist you must have been lucky or were in the right place at the right time. These will be the very same people who were convinced you’d never make it. Use criticism to feed your determination and strengthen your resolve. Make it the wind that will propel you to new and exciting achievements.

Now available: ' Dare to Live Without Limits,' the book. Visit www. Bryan-Golden. com or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. © 2024 Bryan Golden.

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