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Below is a quote from ….


Below is a quote from President Ronald Reagan. I can’t think of a more timely message for our consideration: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend out sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” [Editor’s Note: A great quote, and fun fact, while this sounds like something the President of the United States would say, Reagan actually said these words way back in 1967 when he was being sworn in as Governor of California. And it’s true. Concepts like liberty and justice can only continue to exist if we hold them up and pass them down. The same goes for any cultural, philosophical or spiritual concept. Think about Christianity or the English language or even baseball. If an entire generation abandons these things, they’re gone, likely forever] Our current Congress is an embarrassment to the whole country. What happened to intelligent people running for office? Surely “We the People” can do better. Seeing MTG and AOC acting like junior high girls on the house floor has got to be the low point of our nation’s legislative body. [Editor’s Note: Well, there were fistfights in the U.S. Senate back in the 1800s and at least one cane attack, but your point is still pretty valid, especially the incident you describe. Although it was actually Rep. Jasmine Crockett, not Cortez who was involved in the playground smack talk that had everything in it but a “Yo Mama” joke. Marjorie Taylor Greene, during a House Oversight Committee hearing, said to Rep. Crockett. “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading,” That’s when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez then moved to strike Greene’s words from the record, with Greene retorting that Ocasio-Cortez didn’t “have enough intelligence” to win a debate with her. Greene, though doubled down on her ridiculousness, showing all the grace and class of a third-grader, saying, ““I’ll strike my words but I’m not apologizing.” That’s when Crockett chimed in, calling Greene a “bleachblond with a bad-built, butch body.” The best part was a visual of Rep. Lauren Boebert, who attempted to trace the sign of the cross and somehow did it incorrectly. But to your point, “We the People” could do better, but we simply don’t. We look for the (R) or the (D) next to the name and check the box. We deserve what we have gotten] What’s the odds in Vegas that the new I-55 bridge will be built before the bridge by the little Walmart in Marion is built? And the Main Street going thru Marion? [Editor’s Note: Man, I was so sure the “punchline” to this was going to be the Rich Road bridge by the West Memphis Walmart. I had honestly actually forgotten that the overpass connecting Highway 77 by the Marion Walmart to the River Trace subdivision was even a thing, it’s been so long since we’ve had any updates on that project – not to mention the widening of Old Military Road/Highway 64, that was so imminent they demolished the old steamboat mural there on the corner. I don’t want to set the odds, because it’s truly a crapshoot at this point, but for as often as I see those online gambling ads on my phone and on TV, I would be willing to bet that Draft Kings or someone would probably take bets on it, since they take bets on everything from how long the National Anthem is at the ballgame to who’s going to be the next Batman]

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