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The Spirit moves through Crittenden County

Outdoor revival draws a crowd to rural community


Outdoor revival draws a crowd to rural community


The community of Julius is barely a spot on the map but if the Bible teaches us anything, it’s that little towns of little repute can still produce great things.

“Residents from the Greater Julius, West Memphis, Crawfordsvile and Jennette area pounced on the town of Julius, April 29th through May 1st to participate in a Consuming Fire Tent Revival,” reported Rene Henderson, who took a few photos to capture the event. “The outdoor revival was inspired by Apostle Alvin Smith, who grew up in Crittenden County, but now resides in North Carolina with his wife, Emma Smith.”

The Smiths are the founders and Senior leaders of Consuming Fire Ministries, LLC in Sanford, North Carolina. The theme for the Revival was “Inflaming the Fire Within.”

“Robert and Gloria Cryer of Julius said they were honored to host the Revival on their property,” said Henderson. “Attendees traveled Highway 218 for the unadulterated Word of God, prayers, prophetic encounters, deliverance, healing with laying of hands and oil anointment and other blessings.”

She said Prophetess Vera Euvrard by way of Crawfordsvile, along with Apostle Jeffrey Cooke and wife, Prophetess Angela Cooke, of ARC of Life Ministries led the profoundly passionate opening devotional services each night.

“They are all ministry servants with New Directions Outreach Ministries in North Carolina,” said Henderson. “Participants bragged on the Crittenden County hosts hospitality, amenities, refreshments, and other free goodies, such as over the counter vitamins.”

With music and a message nightly, the revival stirred the spirits of those in attendance.

“One monumental highlight of the Revival included Apostle Smith placing a staff in the consecrated ancestral ground of the Cryers,” said Henderson. “Another paramount feature was the streak of fire that illuminated the sky on the first night of the Revival. Thirdly, the sounding of the Trumpet left participants in amazement as to God’s awesomeness and His expected return.”

Pastor Neal Bailey Hoard of Pilgrim Rest Christian Church in Jennette emphasized how personally relevant the tent revival was to “Inflaming the Fire” within each participant.

“He further asked each person to accept their blessings, to utilize their spiritual gifts and talents and to be prepared to handle unexpected occurrences in life,” Henderson said. “Prophet Prentice Hoard said it long been revealed to him and confirmed during the tent Revival that Pilgrim Rest Church arms would be expanded into the Julius community.”

This tent revival had been inspired by a prior weeklong revival conference in Earle, at Total Deliverance Cathedral Church led by former mayor Bishop Sherman Smith. The conference was centered around spiritual reconstruction and repair of breaches one Soul at a time. Additional spiritual speakers from the five fold ministries included Minister Donald R. Stone and Bishop Herman Smith. Louise Hoard was ordained a Prophetess at the climax of the Earle Revival.

A closing highlight of the revival included the Julius revival hostess Mother Gloria Cryer, who also was the guest speaker during this past Sunday’s Consuming Fire Mother’s Day Teleconference.

Bishop Sherman Smith, former Mayor of Earle, at the pulpit.

Photos by Rene Henderson

Apostle Alvin Smith, Revival Conference Leader from Sanford, North Carolina, brings the word to the people of Crittenden County.

Holy men gathered together ready to bring revival to Crittenden County.

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