Cornerstone Baptist Church Services
Cornerstone Baptist Church of West Memphis is “Making Hope Contagious” in Crittenden County. Children, Youth, and Adult Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning worship 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting/Bible Study 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Anchor Point Youth & Young Adults Night 6 p.m. All services and studies available on Facebook – CornerstoneWM Services and Studies Private Group – Ask to Join! Billy Oyler, Pastor – “All are welcome!”
The Old St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church will have in-person and Zoom Sunday School and Facebook Live Sunday School services at 8:45 a.m., and in-person and Facebook Live Easter Sunday services (@oldstpaulchurch), at 10 a.m. Please join us on Wednesday nights for our in-person and Facebook Live Bible Study, at 6:30 p.m. Host Pastor is Frederick and First Lady Eair Anthony: “We are a church that grows people and glorifies God.”
The West Memphis Advertising & Promotions Commission is bringing back Blues off Broadway for its 2024 season. The spring concert series will feature local and regional musicians and the concerts are free to the community, every Thursday in May, from 6 to 9 p.m., in the West Memphis Civic Complex parking lot, 212 W. Polk in West Memphis.
There will be a USDA Food Distribution on Wednesday, May 29, from 9 to 11 a.m. (or until food runs out), at VFW Post 5225, 406 S. Avalon St., in West Memphis. The Crittenden County food distribution will be a “drive-thru” distribution. To receive USDA foods, attendees must live in the county of distribution and meet income guidelines based on household size. Bring a photo ID/Proof of residency. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
211 Resource Hotline Did you know, you can call 211 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to get in touch with the United Way’s free community resources hotline? You can receive assistance with housing, employment, health care, utilities, tax service assistance and more. Dial 2-1-1, or go online to
Marion School Board The Marion School District holds its monthly School Board meetings on the third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Central Office, 200 Manor Street, in Marion. The community is invited.
Bingo Night St. Michael’s Catholic Parish hosts Tuesday Night Bingo every week.
Open to everyone ages 18 and up.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Games begin
From page A12
at 7 p.m. Smoke free and alcohol free.
High School Completion Program Arkansas residents ages 21 and older who do not have a high school diploma can now finish school online for free through a new program from Graduation Alliance called the Arkansas Adult Diploma Program. Graduates earn an accredited high school diploma.
According to a press release, Graduation Alliance can offer this program for free through a state-funded initiative administered by the Arkansas Department of Education Division of Career and Technical Education. To qualify for the program, applicants must be an Arkansas resident, 21 or older, have access to a computer and the internet, have completed at least some of 10th grade, and have not completed a GED or another high school equivalency diploma. For more information, visit arkansasdiploma. com or call 501-512-1417.
Alice in Wonderland: The Musical DeltaARTS presents “Alice in Wonderland,” a Broadwaystyle musical featuring local singers, actors and musicians of all ages, June 21-23.
West Memphis School Board Meetings The West Memphis School District holds its monthly School Board meetings on the third Tuesday of the month, at 6 p.m., at the Central Office, 301 S. Avalon. St. All meetings are open to the public.
Civil Air Patrol Civil Air Patrol meets the first, second and third Monday of each month, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the West Memphis Municipal Airport. Young people ages 12 and up can join the cadet program. Adults are needed to support the cadet program and emergency service operations. For more information contact Lt. Col. Larry Webster at 870-225-6849. or emial him at
WM City Council Meeting schedule: 1:00 p.m., on the first Thursday of each month; 5 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month, at West Memphis City Hall, 205 S. Redding St., in West Memphis. All meetings are open to the public.
Global Academy USDA Food Program Global Academy Inc., located at 301 N. 7th St., in West Memphis, is participating in the USDA Food Program.
Meals will be available at no charge or at a reduced price to enrolled persons at the above location. Eligibility is determined by income and household size. For more information, call 870-702-7530, or visit