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What if “he” wins again?


Leadership should never be about gender, but about an individual that cares about human needs, that will listen and empower others, a candidate that welcomes open and direct communications to understand differences of each individual's stand pertaining to various subject matters. It is important to know that gender can influence the way individuals approach leadership roles. But when it comes to politics, leadership is very different because “If he wins.”

There is a lower likelihood that issues specifically affecting women, such as reproductive rights, gender violence, and childcare, will be prioritized and be addressed effectively. A lack of female representation means that the diversity of perspectives in policy-making is reduced, potentially leading to policies that do not adequately consider the needs and experiences of all citizens. Democratic governance thrives on inclusivity. When women are underrepresented, governance becomes less inclusive, which can undermine the legitimacy of the political system and lead to disengagement among women voters.

With more men winning political seats, it can have several negative effects on women candidates and their participation in politics. Political power often comes with access to influential networks and resources. If men dominate political seats, women might find it harder to access these networks, which are crucial for campaign funding, endorsements, and political support. When a man wins an election over a woman, it highlights the outcome

See HOLLIMAN, page A9

Sherry Holliman Community Commentary HOLLIMAN

From page A10

of a democratic process where voters make their choices based on various factors. The idea that leadership should not be about gender but about leadership itself emphasizes that the qualities and capabilities of a leader are more important than their gender. Leadership should be based on skills, experience, and the ability to address issues effectively. The focus should be on the candidate's vision, policies, and competence rather than their gender.

Society should take promoting gender inequality very seriously and provide equal opportunities for all genders to participate in the political process. It doesn't mean that one gender should be favored over the other, but rather that the best candidate, regardless of gender, should be elected.

In a democratic system, voters have the freedom to choose their leaders. Their choice may be influenced by a variety of factors, including the candidates' qualifications, campaign promises, and personal values. The gender of the candidate may be one of many considerations, but it should not overshadow their leadership capabilities. Emphasizing leadership qualities over gender helps in breaking down stereotypes that suggest certain genders are inherently better suited for leadership roles.

While it is crucial to encourage more women to run for office and participate in leadership roles, the ultimate goal is to create an environment where all candidates, regardless of gender, are judged based on their abilities and potential to lead effectively.

Leadership should be about addressing the issues that matter to the constituents, such as economic development, healthcare, education, and public safety. The candidate who demonstrates the best understanding and solutions for these issues should be the one elected, regardless of gender.

If a male candidate wins over a female candidate in an election, the impact on women's participation in politics can vary based on several factors, including the context of the election, the nature of the campaign, and the broader societal attitudes toward gender inequality. Some negative effects on women's participation in political positions maybe some women might feel discouraged from running for political office if they perceive that female candidates are less likely to win.

A loss might reinforce existing biases that women are less suited for political leadership, which can be detrimental to encouraging more women to run. If the media focuses on the loss of the gender, it might perpetuate stereotypes and discourage potential female candidates. But on the other hand, a high-profile campaign by a woman, even if she is not elected, can expose gender inequality and inspire future candidates. Female candidates can learn from their campaign experience, improving their strategies and increasing their chances in future elections.

The presence of strong support networks and organizations advocating for women in politics can ease negative impacts and enhance positive ones.

High-profile female candidates, regardless of the outcome, can serve as role models and mentors for other women considering political careers. Her loss can motivate a campaign shift that focuses on policies that support women's participation in politics, such as campaign finance

See HOLLIMAN, page A10

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