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Man sentenced to prison in drug, firearms case


Wilson, 38, convicted in drug, firearms case in Jonesboro


JONESBORO — A Crittenden County man received a 10-year prison sentence Monday after pleading guilty to a pair of drug and _rearms charges in Craighead County Circuit Court, according to court records.

Gary D. Wilson, 38, of West Memphis pleaded guilty to simultaneous possession of drugs and _rearms and possession of _rearms by certain persons charges in front of Circuit Judge Chris Thyer.

A pair of possession of drugs with intent to deliver charges were nolle prossed as part of the plea agreement.

According to a probable cause af_davit in the case, Wilson was arrested in March 2023 after a traf_c stop at Browns Lane Access Road/ Phillips Drive/South Caraway Road. Police searched the vehicle and found an unloaded Bersa .380 handgun under the front passenger seat, along with the magazine to the weapon, with seven rounds of ammunition, in the driver side oorboard.

Police also found 26.5 grams of marijuana, a digital scale as well as an Oxycontin pill and 30 Queiapine pills during a search of the vehicle, according to the af_davit.

Wilson, who was also given a 120-month suspended sentence, was _ned $100 and ordered to pay $150 in court costs, a $40 booking fee and a $150 drug crime fee. He was also given credit for _ve days already served.

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