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Local political party backers swing into election mode



We are inside of two months until the highly-anticipated and hotly-contested 2024 General Election. With multiple seats at stake, from President of the United States down to local municipal positions, party participants from both sides of the aisle have set up headquarters here in Crittenden County.

Democrats open HQ

The Crittenden County Democratic Party (CCDP) recently celebrated the grand opening of their new headquarters located at 113 E. Broadway with a ribbon-cutting event earlier this month.

The ceremony was attended by several notable individuals including Senator Keith Ingram, Representative Milton Nicks

The opening of the new headquarters was attended by nearly 50 people with several being prominent figures in the Republican party.

Photos submitted

Many prominent figures on the Democratic Party attended the ribbon cutting at the new headquarters on Broadway.

Members of the Young Democrats present a check to candidate Jessie McGruder.

Left to Right: Candidates RJ Thorne Jr and Tammi Bell along with State Rep Carr from Blytheville, and Crittenden County Republican Chair Wayne Croom.

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