they will only explode the deficit and the rate of inflation.
The battle is over, the smoke has cleared and it is evident that the fat lady sang a lot earlier in this presidential election than in the last. The MAGA crowd won the day, (they lost the next four years, but they won the day). Really, I blame the Democrat Party for this disaster for our Republic. They simply refuse to wake up to the fact that 55-60 percent of American voters do not believe that defending the right of a handful of Transvestites to compete in athletics is worth blowing the election, allowing a demagogue like Trump to take office, dismantle the rule of law, and destroy our economic system. They also fail to understand that 6075 percent of white males in this country will never pull the lever for a women President. The MAGA crowd is happy in their blissful ignorance for what is coming down the tracks. Trump: Episode II will be Trump: Episode I on steroids. His new tariffs will bring on inflation like we have never seen in this country. Very selective tariffs can be a good thing as Biden has shown, but Trump’s tariffs will be about bringing in tax monies that he can funnel to his fat cat buddies.
They won’t be selective and
[ Editor’s Note: That’s an interesting assessment of the recent election. I’m not sure how accurate you or anyone else can be with the statistics you present here, but you’re probably not too far off. We will surely get a female president eventually, and it’s pretty sad that both times we did not were due to a win by Donald Trump, but yes, the Democrats definitely lost the plot somewhere along the way.
Maybe they will be able to find it again by 2028, but yeah, it’s not going to be with what they’re doing now…]