24 July 2024
A Polk or a Johnson

A Polk or a Johnson

VIEWPOINT By RALPH HARDIN Evening Times Editor B y now, I’m sure you’ve heard there has been a slight change in the 2024 presidential rac...
A milestone in veterans benefits

A milestone in veterans benefits

T his year we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, more commonly known as the GI Bill. This landmark le...
Making child care available to all Arkansans

Making child care available to all Arkansans

E arly childhood education lays the foundation for lifelong learning. Improving access to high-quality childcare programs helps to provide struc...
New income tax withholding tables

New income tax withholding tables

T he state Department of Finance and Administration has published new income tax withholding tables. That’s good news for 1.1 million Arkans...
Improving access in Arkansas

Improving access in Arkansas

T his week, the House Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative and Military Affairs Committee received updates on the ongoing efforts by state agen...


“For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; an...
17 July 2024
Shots fired

Shots fired

VIEWPOINT By RALPH HARDIN Evening Times Editor H ere’s a weird bit of historical trivia you might not know: For more than 100 years, every ...
Inspiring interest in civic engagement

Inspiring interest in civic engagement

G rowing up, I always looked forward to the end of the school year. I spent many summers playing church league baseball and as I got older, I fo...
Concerns of potential trade status change for Vietnam

Concerns of potential trade status change for Vietnam

T hirty- seven Bipartisan Members of the Congressional Steel Caucus, including myself, sent a letter to the secretary of commerce, Gina Raimondo,...
The ever-changing Medicaid landscape

The ever-changing Medicaid landscape

M ore than 870,000 Arkansas residents receive some type of health care through Medicaid, which is operated by the state Department of Human Serv...
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