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What He Knew…

What He  Knew…


It's been said that it only happened one time in the history of mankind.

That is, when Noah and his family went into the Arc, they were in the minority. But, when they came out, they were in the majority.

Yet, they still had to carry on, regardless.

And they were given their marching orders.

In scripture, it is called the Noahic Covenant.

1-Noah and his sons were addressed directly as the heads of their families, to lead them well.

2-Then they were instructed to judge their fellow men when injustices occurred. (For previously, God had just judged mankind and sent that judgment in the form of a world flood.) 3-Third, a spiritual bond.

To recap, 1-family, 2-government, 3-spiritual elements.

And did it matter that they were then in the majority?

No. Because in generations, they would once again be right back in the minority once more, if they did as they were instructed: To be fruitful and fill the earth with people.

Noah knew this.

He knew.

Why don't we?

By this, I mean that too much is made of who is in power at the moment: With a President, a Senate, a House of Representatives, a Supreme Court?

And while a government is one part of our lives, do we abandon the other two tiers of our foundational beliefs: That of family and spirit?

Look at family.

We are blessed in this country with the freedoms we have in America to pursue our dreams.

Not so in Russia, where they have something called, ' The Russian Cross,' which

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By Robert L. Hall ROBERT HALL (cont.)

has nothing whatsoever to do with religion. It is where the line on a chart goes up for the rate of older seniors, but drops for newborns. It forms a cross. Russia has a precipitously falling birthrate-so much so that it will not be able to support any meaningful aims in the near future. It simply will not support it.

One former Russian politician living now in our country says of this situation that the politicians there just don't care about people-they are only concerned with their own death grip on personal power. That the population is dropping because families don't want to have children when they are struggling day-to-day just to survive.

They have no hope for the future.

As well alcoholism is rampant in Russia, partly responsible for deaths or contributing to other coconditions like heart problems, diabetes, respiratory problems or the like.

Even Putin is powerless to turn things around, offering incentives like reduced rent for young families and putting out welfare benefits to them to convince them to have children to improve the survivability of the state.

No dice.

Failing in this, Russia put out feelers for immigrants and offered more incentives. Only, there were no takers.

No way; no Chinese, no Indians, no Africans. No one.

So, while the borders in America are being scaled and overwhelmed, in Russia, you couldn't get a starving, suffering, ragged vagabond to take up an offer to work for a socialist state.

Then, there's China.

Where an ignorant Mao once bragged that after WWII, there were 600 million in China, and he could afford to lose 300 million and still have enough to wage war. So, he encouraged people to have as many children as possible.

Naturally, China was overpopulated, and the government went to a 'One-Child' policy which lasted from 1979 until 2015. It also encouraged the destruction of female children (denied by Chinese politicians) which has been a mainstay of Chinese society for 2,000 years.

Family was thus regulated to a function of The State.

No heads of the family consulted, no consideration of freedom to decide their own fate. Education and opportunities to succeed offered to a select few, for the perpetuation and rise of a few Communist and business elites, who enjoy the fruits of their hands, but do not bother extending any such things to the peasantry, who they see not as citizens, but a rabble to control and bend to their will.

I mention these two failed states to say this: When we vote, we need to look after our families and see to their welfare.

Recently, I saw a TV spot that mentioned this from a prospective voter, and brought this matter into sharper focus.

He said he was voting not just for himself, but for his children and grandchildren. For he was seeing something out there that made him scared for his progeny.

Something not only misguided, but dangerous.

Even evil.

Cities being burned, businesses destroyed, lives ruined. Beatings, murders by mobs, encouraged and supported by shadowy groups funded by George Soros and 'Dark Money' Globalist moguls.

And unborn children being destroyed.

For, like Russia and China, we have a possible 'Russian Cross' developing in America. With 60 million abortions to this date, for instance, how will aged citizens be supported?

Statistics say this: The year 2035 is the end of social security in America.

It doesn't matter if payment rates are raised for our future generations.

Doesn't matter if payouts to seniors is less.

Doesn't matter if the age of retirement goes up to 90.

It will end.

Because no one saw it coming?


Because the welfare of the family is being ignored.

Both in the present danger and the future as well.

So, let this help guide you on your trip to the polls.

Vote, family first, family always.

And — with God's help — it will be.

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church and a writer of fiction on Amazon eBooks.

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