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So, what should we pay them?


Long before Joe Biden became president, the far-left wing of the Democratic Party has been clamoring for a $15per-hour national minimum wage. Now that he’s in office, that push has not only been renewed, the Democrats’ control of both houses of Congress has moved the idea closer to reality.

There’s opposition to be sure, but none comes across as more out of touch with reality than from Sen. Rand Paul.

You’re probably more familiar with the other U.S.

Senator from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell, but Paul is also a tried and true Bluegrass State politician, and he’s just so opposed to higher minimum wage, he can’t hardly wait to tell you why…

He’s worried about Black teenagers.

No, really… this is his explanation: A higher minimum wage would hit unskilled service industry workers the hardest because they would be the ones most likely to lose their jobs when business owners are forced to cut jobs to account for the higher wage. Paul’s argument is that Black teens would be the ones most likely to lose their jobs. In fact, and I’m quoting the senator here, he asks, “Why does Joe Biden hate Black teenagers?” That’s how far his own digestive tract Paul is… that he can ask that question with a straight face.

Now let’s look at this for a moment. We’re talking about

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raising the federal minimum wage here. Did you know that the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour? Sure, most states have a higher minimum wage than that, including here in Arkansas, where it was gradually increased over the last three years to $11 per hour, but do you know one of the handful of states that actually uses the $7.25-per-hour minimum wage? If you guessed Kentucky, then ding, ding, ding… give yourself a prize.

That’s a very direct message to the poorest people in Paul’s own state that an hour of their labor is worth less than the cost of a quarter- pounder meal deal at McDonald’s. But he’s fine with that. In case you’ve not done the math, $7.25 per hour is $290 for a fulltime employee, which, assuming he or she works a full schedule every week of the year and doesn’t get sick or hurt or have a kid who gets sick or hurt and doesn’t mind working weekends or holidays, well that gets them a whopping $15,225 a year, before taxes.

So, what, exactly are these minimum wage workers supposed to do to, you know, survive? I mean, there are some government programs designed to help out, like food stamps and low-income housing projects, but the same people who think less than $300 a week to live on is super OK are the same people who want to cut these socalled entitlement programs.

Let’s take this out further…

Let’s say we’re talking about a family of four, and Mom and Dad both work full-time minimum-wage jobs — so double everything, and that comes out to $30,450. Any guess what the annual average individual income in the U.S. is?

It’s $31,133, which is $683 more than TWO full-time minimum-wage workers earn in a year.

But sure, Sen. Paul, it’s Black-teenager-hating President Biden who is the problem here.

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