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ARIES (March 21-April 19):

Consider who is on your team and who isn’t. Gather facts that will justify your actions. Before you implement change, have a purpose in mind. Do your job to the best of your ability, and avoid facing discord. Don’t try to modify what you are doing; stick to what works. Take the safe route and be responsible for your actions. An opportunity offered can change your professional life. Be sure to run your plans by someone you love before you accept or commit to anything. Money matters, contracts and how you handle your health and well-being will surface.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

Choose peace and love over discord. Pay attention to what others do, and you won’t be left out when it comes time to make a decision. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Stick to the facts, don’t take a risk and take responsibility for your life and future. Choose a path you feel passionate about and don’t look back. You’ll face opposition if you overreact or you ignore a situation you face at work or with one of your peers. Take responsibility and stick to the truth; you’ll have no regrets. Don’t let someone’s uncertainty or confusion interfere with a chance to advance.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Focus on what you can do, not what you cannot. There is an alternative way to handle every situation. Verify facts, weigh the pros and cons, and make the adjustments necessary to take advantage of an opportunity. Someone will offer questionable suggestions. Be on guard if there is a cost or health risk involved. You owe to yourself and those you love to maintain stability. Don’t make a change at home without giving enough thought to what it will cost and who it will affect. Emotions will surface, causing a stir with someone you depend on at work or in your personal life.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

Use connections to gather the information regarding a better position or opportunity. A reunion will encourage revisiting and pursuing a plan that was left in limbo. Your emotions will draw you to someone unique. Observe, and you will discover something you are good at and enjoy doing. Romance is on the rise. Open your heart and imagination to interests that will encourage you to take a creative approach to life, love and happiness. Don’t take a risk with your health or finances. Self-improvement and romance are favored.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Treat yourself this week. Use charm to overcome adversity. How you handle situations that are causing uncertainty will make a difference. Kindness and generosity will thwart tempers and keep positive suggestions flowing. Your imagination will help you find a way to counter a change someone is pushing your way. Put everything in place before you share your vision, and you will display confidence that will be difficult to deny. Look for outlets that are creative and energetic, and you will avoid letting tempers mount and unfortunate circumstances arise.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

You’ll get the wrong impression from someone you least expect. Be direct, ask questions and eliminate confusion before you get involved in something or with someone misleading. Listen and learn. The information you pick up will help you decipher what’s possible. Push for the truth, make your move and don’t look back. Refuse to let your emotions lead you down a rabbit hole. What you want to believe will not coincide with the facts. Put a little muscle behind your words, and you will make your point and clear a passage that will help you get what you want.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Get your priorities straight. Say what’s on your mind and follow through with your plans. A self-improvement project will boost your confidence. You’ll feel pressure when it comes to emotional issues. Be honest regarding what you are willing to put up with and what’s unacceptable. When given a choice, take the high road and avoid criticism. Take better care of your health. Control your emotions, and you’ll make a better impression. Don’t make unnecessary changes that can affect your position, finances or health. Moderation is in your best interest.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Pay close attention to the changes going on around you. Step in and share your concerns if you feel someone is making a poor decision. Take care of unfinished business concerning your finances and home. You’ll gain insight into something you want to pursue if you reach out to an expert. Have a list of questions ready, and you will resolve matters that have been on hold for some time. A lifestyle change will ease stress. Someone you think you can count on will let you down. Don’t fold under pressure. Follow your heart and proceed with your plans.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Take the initiative; open up about the way you feel or what you want. Resolve issues that are holding you in limbo. Look for alternatives, and you will find a way to push hard to reach your expectations. Do the work yourself, and you’ll eliminate disappointment. Speak up and be honest and creative about what you have to offer and how best to utilize your skills, services and knowledge in a diverse and useful manner. Someone you least expect will give you a lead that will alter what you do for a living. Don’t disregard a chance to make a lifestyle change.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Keep your thoughts to yourself or you may say something that disrupts a meaningful relationship. Someone will be eager to make you look bad. Use your money wisely. Paying too much for something or trying to impress someone with lavish behavior will set you back. Look for a cost-efficient way to improve your surroundings at home. You’ll find it difficult to make up your mind. Address a romantic problem with understanding, compassion and affection, not aggressive or excessive behavior. You’ll get a glimpse of the possibilities heading your way if you listen and observe.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

It’s up to you to bring about positive change. Consider what’s not working for you and make adjustments. If you are passionate about your dreams, hopes and wishes, you will achieve your goal. Don’t be fooled by what someone tells you. Verify information before you pass it along. Truth matters, so offering advice that is sound will help you maintain a good reputation. The knowledge you pick up will help you land an opportunity that comes your way. Don’t let anyone interfere with your plans. Do what’s best for you. Take a breather, take a closer look and adjust the details.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

Divulging too much personal information will lead to gossip. Bring about a positive change at home, and it will bring you closer to someone you love or give you the chance to pursue something you enjoy doing. Look for outlets that bring you peace of mind. Questions will arise about how you see things unfolding and what you want to do moving forward. Be honest regarding your feelings to avoid giving someone the wrong impression. Open your heart to someone you love, and you will find out where you stand. Listen to trusted advisors.

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