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Continued on Page 14


I have a friend who says there are some

people who not only don't have a clue… they don't even suspect anything?

But, normally you don't see those same people throw their notions out into the public square for all to see. Yet, recently in the

‘ Text the Times’

space of the Evening Times, a blurb appeared that just screamed out to me….

“ Not!”

Here’s the direct quote:

“ Why isn't Fox “ News” covering that story? Or are those craven conservative cult member commentators too scared to speak?”

So, I have a question for you, contributor?

“ Don't you have any friends who will tell you what is actually is going on in the world?”

I haven't watched a single episode of Fox News since November, 2020 and I know that most of my 'conservative' friends wouldn't look at it either-or be damned.

Didn't you get the memo?

Well… for your sake, I will roll the tape for you. Here's the rundown on what happened to Fox News and how they lost their viewers, like big time!

During the 2020 election, Fox News saboteurs, headed by former politics editor of their so-called 'election panel', Chris Stirewalt — who had the distinct haterprivilege of calling the presidential Arizona returns BEFORE THEY WERE EVEN TABULATED, for Joe Biden — put off western voters and DEPRESSED THE VOTE by doing so, irrevocably damaging the election returns and guess what?

Perhaps something else you don't know: Perhaps you didn't know that the Associated Press also called Arizona for Biden within hours (seeing their pathway cleared by Trump-hater, Stirewalt). Yet, even screeching, butts-on-fire leftist poodle- outlets including Insider, ABC, CBS, and NBC at least had more journalistic integrity than Fox News Network did, as they did not call those returns until over a

‘Wordaholic’ By Robert L. Hall ROBERT HALL (cont.)

a full week later… on November 12!

But, Fox — with their butts caught in a crack on November of 2020 — didn't announce the termination of Stirewalt until January of 2021, doing so on the sly-with a signed agreement with Stirewalt to not squeal about all the under-dealings they were doing at the Network, and for it not to appear that their relatively-conservative viewership had melted down, losing millions of viewers and tanking the T.V. rankings of Fox News for months. Wasn't that big of them?


Oh, and the icing on the cake for the Never-Trumpers at Fox, so to speak: Stirewalt (now a proven disgraced, disreputable journalistic fraud) was later called in by the Jan. 6th Committee Democrat Party witchhunt… only now he was re-labelled by the Democrat Party hacks now as, quote: a

Voila! A Star is born!

Stirewalt was also fired by Fox in early 2021 as part of what the network said at the time was a 'company restructuring.' To make matters even more interesting, Stirewalt has also made no secret of his belief that Fox, as he once put it, “created the space” that led to the attack at the Capitol.

It is reported that he was “gleeful” about being called upon to trash Trump. Un-huh.

But you, dear contributor to '

highly-publicized events?

I mean, how does all

just “get by” you?

And it wasn't just the election. Fox has a history of bankrolling lefty mouthpieces.

Here's a partial list for you, dear reader: Bad eggs hatched at the Fox News nest of Trump-haters, conspirators and such, let loose on an unsuspecting world?

Ala Megyn Kelley, ala Chris Wallace, ala Bret Baier, ala Juan Williams, ala Alan Colmes, ala Donna Brazile… that's just a partial list of their vehement anti-conservative road warriors.

However, if you don't you ever get out once in a while and talk to people, and just live in your mom's closet — along with her shoes — you wouldn't know that.

But, there's more… oh, soooo much more behind the scenes at Fox: Didn't you hear that Fox News, which was owned by Rupert Murdoch (billionaire Trump-despiser) has been handed down to his heirs and is now being run into the ground by his elitist progeny — all of whom reside in Europe — because they are too good to live in America…and most importantly, they are out of earshot of all the detractors to their evil plans of leftist ideology.

Their New World Order demands from the family board room is spoiling the $18 billion media empire by a suicidal succession battle, dragging the Fox News Network into the dirt, and turning it into just another liberal trash-bin and bastion of disinformation.

But, you know, dear reader, if you just sat down at your computer and typed a few words into a decent search engine and hit the enter button, you would know all this.

Or does high technology just evade you that much?

Do you need to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century to join the rest of us?

But, more importantly, did you just crawl out of your parent's basement in the last couple of days after spending all your worker subsidy government checks on marijuana? Get off a rocket just back from Mars? Been living under a glacial ice shelf in the Arctic with only polar bears and seals for company?

There just absolutely HAS to be a reason why you pull out pre-conceived, uninformed junk from your nether regions, wipe it off, run it up the flagpole, fully expecting that someone… ANYONE… would salute that?

You are TRULY amazing!

Only for all the wrong reasons.

But, you just do you.

Don't change a thing, okay?

You're magic!

Trust me.

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church and a writer of fiction on Amazon eBooks.

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