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that affects every American but we hear very little about it. Why?


encourage investment, research, and development from companies big and small. But that well-oiled machine is under attack in Washington. Experts argue that if Congress wants to make medicines more widely available, it needs to protect the rules that have made the United States the pharmacy to the world — and fix the broken health insurance system instead. It’s an issue

[ Editor’s Note: The idea that we have to pay more for the most vital medicines should be criminal. Whatevet complaints you might have against Joe Biden ( and I can think of a few) you have to think moves like the recent price cap on insulin for Medicare recipients is a step in the right direction.

Price gouging on medicine is just about the worst thing I can think of when it comes to our nation’s health care. Personal example: I was recently prescribed a medicine called Seglentis for my ongoing issues with a bone spur and bulging disc in my neck. It’s a pain reliever and anti- inflammatory in one pill, in case you were wondering. Anyway, I went to the pharmacy to pick it up and the pharmacist said it was ready but there was a “ physician’s hold” on it because it was not on my prescription plan with my insurance company. Being in pain, I was willing to pay the full cost if that would speed things up. The full cost? $ 675. Yeah, I said I’d wait. Got the same bottle of pills the next day after a phone call with my doctor for $ 25. The system is broken, my friends]

American research is responsible for countless medical breakthroughs, from cancer treatments and HIV medicines to Covid-19 vaccines. That’s no accident.

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