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FOR THE WEEK OF WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 – TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Trial and error will be necessary but will pay off. Be mindful and choose peaceful alternatives when dealing with sensitive issues. Arguments will be detrimental to progress. Pin down what others expect of you, ask for clear guidance, and get things done promptly and efficiently. Don’t linger over matters you cannot change. A new look, hobby or physical improvement will lift your spirits. Romance is on the rise, and a gesture that indicates a positive lifestyle change will be well-received. Do what you say you will do, or you will face repercussions. Stick to facts and follow through.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Discuss the changes you want to make in your life with someone whose opinion you value. Diversity will lead to financial or personal gain. Make partnerships a priority. Propose a plan that will encourage working toward a similar goal. Pay closer attention to your budget and expenses and decide if what you are buying is really necessary. Don’t be fooled by hidden costs; research before you purchase. It’s time to do things differently in your relationships. Slow down. Look at every angle, and make a strategic move. Invest more time than money into being successful.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Look at partnerships and their balance, and work harder to keep the peace and to honor your promises. A deal you are working on should be kept a secret until you have all your ducks in a row. If you give away information too freely, someone will use it against you. Put greater emphasis on meaningful relationships. Make a point to show someone how much you care. You don’t have to spend money to win someone’s heart; you just have to be kind, helpful and loving. If changes are happening all around you, be proactive and consider what you have to do to keep up.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emotional anger will lead to poor decisions if you give into it. Look for alternative ways to deal with people who are causing you grief. Use intelligence to outsmart whoever you are dealing with today. You’ll be able to smooth out any difference you have this week with friends, relatives or colleagues. Mix business with pleasure, and it will change the dynamics of your relationships. Your input will be well-received as long as your motives are in the right place. Don’t argue over something you cannot change with people who won’t listen anyway. Channel your energy into something productive.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Listen more and talk less when seeking advice. Someone will give you the wrong impression, leaving you in a vulnerable position. Use your ingenuity and creativity when it comes to working. A good idea will put you ahead of anyone who wants to compete with you. Pay it forward when treated with kindness. What you do for others will pay off when you need something in return. Personal financial issues will surface unexpectedly. Think twice before you spend money on something you don’t need. Impulsive decisions will lead to criticism. You can’t buy love and respect.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You’ll be taken advantage of by strangers if you are too quick to donate or help someone asking for something that can compromise your well-being. A physical change you make in your routine will help ease stress. Consider your options, and make plans that will encourage you to spend more time doing the things that make you happy. Problems at home or work with small details will surface if you have trouble relating to what someone else thinks or wants to do that will affect your plans. Make a change on the lingering issues in your life that will help you head in a direction you’ve always wanted to pursue.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Take care of lingering emotional issues by letting go of the past. It will help you clear the passage for a better future and provide balance in your mind. Reach out to someone you love for moral support. An unexpected turn of events over the weekend will leave you feeling uncertain. When in doubt, be secretive regarding your plans until you have everything in place. Your actions will speak louder than words. Don’t miss the mark when it comes to taking care of your responsibilities and keep focused on the tasks at hand. Hop to it and live up to your promises in order to avoid criticism and complaints.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Contracts, money, health issues and gathering valid information will plague you this week. Don’t worry about something you have no control over. Entertainment will take your mind off your troubles. Engage in meaningful talks with loved ones. Speak from the heart, and ask direct questions that will help you sort through your options and make the best decision possible. Take the path that feels most comfortable. Someone will offer suggestions that seem benign on the surface but aren’t in your best interest. You’ll have a much better idea of how to handle essential matters. You should listen to your intuition, and proceed with confidence.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Keep busy. If you let your emotions take over, you’ll lose perspective and make poor decisions. Pay attention to being productive, and work toward a healthier lifestyle. Think outside the box, and you’ll come up with sound ideas that improve your domestic situation. Home improvements and designated spaces for work and play will help you build a content environment. Plan your next adventure, or sign up for something new and exciting. It will encourage you to grow. Take time out this weekend to relax and think about the way you want to proceed. Make decisions based on what’s best for you long-term, not on an emotional whim.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Go over your plans and make sure it’s worthwhile for anyone you want to attract to get involved. An emotional plea to someone who has jurisdiction over something you want will help. Speak passionately about your ideas and concerns, and the input you receive will be boundless. The research someone shares with you this week will be inaccurate. Follow through and get the facts before you make a move. Share your thoughts and feelings with someone you love, and it will have a positive effect on your relationship. A change to your living arrangements will prompt an unprecedented move.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Take care of money matters before it’s too late. How you invest will make a difference in the way you live and the worry you have to undergo. Romance is in the stars. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. A mistake will be costly if you make an abrupt change without thought and planning. Look at your romantic prospects, and consider what’s best for you. Taking a different approach to the way you earn your living will also help to ease stress. Keep your critical thoughts to yourself, and you’ll avoid unnecessary hassles. Have everything figured out before sharing.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Use discretion when dealing with people who are always asking for something. Set boundaries, and consider who you want to deal with and who you don’t. Look over your options, and figure out what’s doable. Once you’ve removed negative options, you will find it easier to concentrate on what’s important. Take a step back and refuse to let anyone bait you or coax you into something that isn’t good for you. You’ll have a much clearer picture this week regarding your career possibilities. A change will lead to emotional and mental growth.

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