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water. Just be sure to dry your hands before holding the hand warmers again to keep them activated. And, although it may seem odd, a little sunscreen on exposed areas can prevent a lot of pain after the fishing trip. Some of the worst sunburns come during cloudy or chilly days when you aren’t expecting them.

Keep It About the Kids

Avid anglers may find it particularly frustrating if the child they are mentoring doesn’t quickly pick up the mechanics of casting, reeling or setting the hook. Sometimes the added enthusiasm from the teacher can cause some anxiety or tentativeness in the student. Kids who may be scared to “do it wrong” can even shut down because they fear disappointing their mentor, especially if that mentor is a parent or someone else they look up to. Remember, this is their fishing trip. Instead of trying to get them to focus on a fishing rod nonstop, allow your fishing partner-in-training to wander a bit.

If they decide they’d rather play in the dirt than pay attention to the task at hand, let them. Take a few fun photos; mix things up with a few fun puzzles or jokes; enjoy plenty of snacks.

This isn’t a fishing derby with a prize on the line. The trophy is walking away with some good memories and a youngster who wants to go the next time you suggest a day at the pond or lake.

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