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Everything comes full circle


You will be mistreated by some people. Their malicious actions are unwarranted and unfair.

Although your initial reactions may be anger, resentment, and bitterness, you must develop the ability to let go of these highly toxic emotions.

When you are upset because you were wronged, the prospect of seeking revenge is highly appealing. It’s easy to become consumed with the thought of getting even. Having your nemesis suffer as much as you have is tantalizing.

Seeking retribution attracts negatives to you. Although you may feel justified in trying to get even, you’ll be doing damage to yourself. Striving to do harm of any type to another person creates a strong negative attraction.

Everyone attracts what they project. This includes you, along with those who infringe on your right to live in peace. If you react in kind to someone else’s malicious behavior, you are drawing the very actions which upset you originally. This creates an endless vicious cycle, which makes your life miserable.

People who extract revenge are rarely happy. Their suffering is compounded and prolonged. The path to inner peace starts with letting go of poisonous emotions. The nefarious actions of others will come full circle back to them. No intercession on your part is necessary.

Stay optimistic with positive expectations.

Anticipate that all will work out. The positive energy you create works to attract the people and circumstances you want.

Conversely, wallowing in anger attracts those things you don’t want.

The fact that everything comes full circle can be used to your advantage. Let go of negative energy. Replace the negative with positive. This seems difficult when dealing

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‘Live Without Limits’ By Bryan Golden BRYAN GOLDEN (cont.)

with problems. Your automatic response is often anger and resentment.

Being able to refocus your emotions is invaluable.

When you are suffering, the desire to lash out at the cause is normal. You want to inflict the same kind of anguish you are experiencing. These emotions are connected to your innate fight or flight reflex. Since running away from strife usually isn’t an option, you are left with the desire to fight.

Standing up for yourself is desirable. Not allowing someone to walk all over you is essential for selfpreservation. Yearning for revenge is a self-defeating trap. Retribution goes beyond protecting your interests; it intentionally inflicts harm on another person.

Don’t allow other people to control your thoughts and action by their aberrant behavior. Although you have no control over the actions of others, you have total control over your response.

Responding is much different than reacting. A response is thought out, whereas a reaction is emotional. Reactions occur when you are caught by surprise. You act before you think. Reactions are likely to get you into trouble because you impulsively speak or act.

Not only does a positive mindset help attract what you want, it protects you from reacting. By being positive, you look for the good in each situation. You seek positive solutions which will improve your situation.

Remember that, whether positive or negative, everything comes full circle. So, being positive is a better strategy. Being positive doesn’t guarantee that all will work out perfectly. But the results will be much better than with a negative BRYAN GOLDEN (cont.)

approach. A negative outlook virtually ensures a situation will become worse.

When dealing with adversity, focus your energy on your response and attitude.

Have a positive expectation that all will work out. Take action which will improve your situation.

Let go of negative emotions. Don’t get caught up in the retribution trap.

Think about what you want

Now available: “ Dare to Live Without Limits,” the book. Visit www. BryanGolden. com or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. E- mail Bryan at bryan@ columnist. com or write him c/ o this paper.

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