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‘Give her a writing of divorcement’ … and then some


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Jeremy Thornton

Minute with the Minister

hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.” (Matthew 5:31-32) How difficult would some things be if there were no standard rules of operation? If the state decided to remove all traffic laws and no longer have officers patrolling the highways, I would imagine there would be many accidents, and some would be hesitant to travel because of the dangers one might face. In any sport that is played, there are rules and regulations that must be followed. If there were no rules games may become very chaotic and may be like children playing in a backyard, making rules as the play the game. There may be some laws that some do not like and some laws that many would like to be changed, but laws, rules, and regulations are necessary to some degree.

Life would be chaotic, at best, if we were left to our imaginations and being able to decide what is right and wrong. Jeremiah said it correctly when he said, “it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” (Jer. 10:23), but thankfully God has not left us to decide right and wrong and has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). Since God has given instruction for man in His Word, man is expected to rightly divide/handle aright His Word and keep the commands of God but there are many that ignore the Word of God and do not live their lives accordingly. If we were to begin to list every area in which man has ignored the teachings of Scripture, I suppose we could give a lengthy list, but let us use marriage as an example.

God has given instruction regarding marriage, the home, the family, the role of fathers, mothers, and children. One of the earliest institutions established by God was the union between a man and woman in marriage (Gen. 2:21-25). The Bible is filled with instruction in marriage, but man has ignored the standard set by God. Many contend that marriage has no boundaries and if a man wants to marry another man, or a woman wants to marry another woman, they have the right to do so, and laws have been changed to satisfy the desires of man and woman. Many will argue that two people have the right to marry whomever they desire, no matter how many times they may have been married in the past. This is not a problem that has begun in the last several decades and as we examine the Scriptures, we notice the departure from God’s Word concerning marriage.

Jesus addresses the departure from God’s Word in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:31-32). “It hath been said, whoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement…” Within the Law of Moses, man was required to give a letter of divorce (Deut. 24:14) and the custom of that time did not require court action for a man to divorce his wife; a husband could divorce his wife simply by writing a bill of divorce and presenting it to his wife before witnesses. Jesus was questioned about this act, tempting Him, asking if it is lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause (Matt. 19:3-9) and in His answering this question and in Matthew 5:31-32, Jesus pointed out the putting away of a husband or wife for any cause was not permitted by God. In His answering this question, Jesus went back to the establishment of marriage, pointing out marriage was to be between one man and one woman, they were to cleave to one another, being one flesh, and what God joined together, man was not to put asunder (Matt. 19:5-6). Of course, there was some that were not satisfied with this answer and questioned Jesus further, asking why the Law of Moses permitted divorce. Jesus, being the Master Teacher, said to them “Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so” (Matt. 19:8).

Marriage was intended to be a union between man and woman, having nothing causing the marriage to be dissolved. It was taught, because of the hardness of their hearts, that divorce could be given for any cause, but Jesus corrects this thinking: “But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery” (Matthew 5:32). The only permissible cause for divorce and remarriage, according to Jesus, was for the cause of fornication, and anyone that would marry someone that had been put away “doth commit adultery” (Matt. 19:9).

God gave the standard in the beginning, but man has corrupted the idea. Jesus quoted the Old Law and corrected the false thinking of many by pointing back to the original plan. Society continues to corrupt the plan of God, but may we do Bible things in Bible ways in every aspect of living, even in marriage.

Jeremy Thornton is Minister of Highway 77 Church of Christ in Marion, Arkansas.

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