27 October 2020
Steudlein Learning Center

Steudlein Learning Center

\ The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and governmental agencies. News briefs are accepted via e- mail at news@ ...
26 October 2020
there’s much to your conspircy, though, because a

there’s much to your conspircy, though, because a

Are the polls tracking who people are voting for by what color pens they are taking when they vote? Not everyone is going to vote Republican or Democ...


On This Day in: 1774 - The First Continental Congress of the U.S. adjourned in Philadelphia. 1825 - The Erie Canal opened in upstate New York. T...
Halloween scarier than ever in 2020

Halloween scarier than ever in 2020

Halloween is coming and Americans are scared. Halloween is typically a relaxed day for America's kids to fill their coffers with candy. Chi...
Nothin’  Happening

Nothin’ Happening

“I'm hunkering down,” Rebecca told me. I know what she means. My friend, Rebecca, just returned from a road trip she made after a lot o...
The old neighborhood

The old neighborhood

I know a lot of folks who moved around a lot growing up, but I was not one of those folks. I lived in the same house for my entire childhood. In fa...
Excellent angling in North Arkansas

Excellent angling in North Arkansas

Fish are biting all over as fall fishing frenzy continues Arkansas Wildlife Editor • White River — Cotter Trout Dock (870-435-6525) said ...
Early morning pursuit ends with fatal crash

Early morning pursuit ends with fatal crash

CONWAY — A suspect who reportedly led police on a chase Thursday morning ultimately died after crashing into a semi truck on Highway 64. Arka...
Steudlein Learning Center

Steudlein Learning Center

\ The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and governmental agencies. News briefs are accepted via e- mail at news@ ...
23 October 2020
one more chance and it was even longer than the FIRST time. I guess we really can’t have nice things here???

one more chance and it was even longer than the FIRST time. I guess we really can’t have nice things here???

Well, I gave them a shot - actually I gave them 3 shots, but I’m done already with the West Memphis CHICK-FIL-A and their slow service. The first t...
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